The Post

Jane Roe of legalised abortion fame dies


UNITED STATES: Norma McCorvey, who was 22, unwed, mired in addiction and poverty, and desperate for a way out of an unwanted pregnancy when she became Jane Roe, the pseudonymo­us plaintiff in the 1973 US Supreme Court decision that establishe­d a constituti­onal right to an abortion, died yesterday.

Her death, at age 69, at an assisted-living facility in Katy, Texas, was confirmed by Joshua Prager, a journalist working on a book about Roe v Wade. The cause was a heart ailment.

McCorvey was a complicate­d protagonis­t in a legal case that became a touchstone in the culture wars, celebrated by champions as an affirmatio­n of women’s freedom and denounced by opponents as the nationwide legalisati­on of murder of the unborn.

When she filed suit in 1970, she was looking not for a sweeping ruling for all women from the highest court in the land, but rather, simply, the right to legally and safely end a pregnancy that she did not wish to carry forward.

In her home state of Texas, as in most other states, abortion was prohibited except when the mother’s life was at stake.

On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court handed down its historic 7-to-2 ruling, written by Justice Harry Blackmun, articulati­ng a constituti­onal right to privacy that included the choice to terminate a pregnancy.

The ruling establishe­d the trimester framework, designed to balance a woman’s right to control her body and a state’s compelling interest in protecting unborn life.

Although later modified, it was a landmark of American jurisprude­nce and made Jane Roe a figurehead – championed or reviled – in the battle over reproducti­ve rights that continued into the 21st century.

McCorvey fully shed her courtroom pseudonym in the 1980s, lending her name first to supporters of abortion rights and then, in a stunning reversal, to the cause’s fiercest critics as a bornagain Christian.

But even after two memoirs, she remained an enigma, as difficult to know as when she shielded her identity behind Jane Roe.

She admitted she peddled misinforma­tion about herself, lying about even the most crucial juncture in her life: For years, she claimed the Roe pregnancy was the result of a rape.

In 1987, she recanted, saying she had become pregnant ‘‘through what I thought was love’’. Although the details of her account were legally unimportan­t, abortion foes pointed to the lie to discredit McCorvey and her case.

According to the most sympatheti­c tellings of her story, she was a victim of abuse, financial hardship, drug and alcohol addiction, and personal frailty.

For much of her life, she subsisted at the margins of society, making ends meet, according to various accounts, as a bartender, a maid, a roller-skating carhop and a house painter. She found a measure of stability with a lesbian partner, Connie Gonzalez, but even that relationsh­ip reportedly ended in bitterness after 35 years.

Harsher judgments presented McCorvey as a user who trolled for attention and cash.

Abortion rights activists questioned her motives when she decamped in 1995, after years on their side, and was baptised in a swimming pool by the evangelica­l minister at the helm of the antiaborti­on group Operation Rescue.

The minister, Flip Benham, told Prager, who profiled McCorvey in Vanity Fair magazine in 2013, that he had come to see her as someone who ‘‘just fishes for money’’.

By her own descriptio­n, she was ‘‘a simple woman with a ninth-grade education’’.

She presented herself as the victim of her attorneys, Linda Coffee and Sarah Weddington, whom she accused of exploiting the predicamen­t of her unwanted pregnancy to score a victory for the abortion rights cause.

Roe v Wade, which became a class-action suit, was a watershed for women in general but irrelevant for McCorvey in particular.

After an initial court victory for her, Texas mounted an appeal that dragged on long past McCorvey’s due date. By the time the Supreme Court announced its decision, her baby was 2 years old.

She had given the child up for adoption and learned of the ruling in a newspaper article. – Washington Post

 ?? PHOTO: REUTERS ?? Norma McCorvey, the plaintiff known as Jane Roe in the Supreme Court’s landmark 1973 Roe v Wade ruling legalising abortion in the United States.
PHOTO: REUTERS Norma McCorvey, the plaintiff known as Jane Roe in the Supreme Court’s landmark 1973 Roe v Wade ruling legalising abortion in the United States.

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