The Post

Oracle capsize in latest mishap


America’s Cup defender Oracle Team USA have capsized in a new training mishap on Bermuda’s Great Sound.

The incident happened during training yesterday as they practised their pre-start routines.

The syndicate reported there were no injuries and ‘‘damage appears to be limited’’.

Oracle appeared to be transferri­ng crew from one hull to the other for a foiling gybe when disaster struck at high speed in winds of around 16 knots.

They spun out on one rudder and lost control with the boat lifting quickly and just the stern of the leeward hull in the water before it reached tipping point.

The left hull was swamped by water which won’t have helped the intricate technology there. The boat was righted by the team’s chase boats and towed back to base.

It continues a series of mishaps as the six sailing syndicates continue to push the limits of their boats just over two weeks from the start of the regatta.

Oracle have had a tricky time. They lost grinder Graeme Spence off the front of the boat in February, capsized their foiling AC50 last month, and then had skipper Jimmy Spithill catapulted off the boat during a turning manouevre.

Earlier in the week Team New Zealand had a lucky escape when their boat got virtually airborne during training.

That followed the Kiwis taking an alarming nose-dive last week as they exited their dock but got caught by an unexpected gust of wind.

The teams have a another fiveday block of practice racing starting on Tuesday. Official racing opens on May 27 (NZ time).

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