The Post

Homeowner ordered to clear 120 wrecks


A pair of property owners from Hope, near Nelson, have been tasked with clearing their land of more than 120 dilapidate­d cars.

An interim decision by the Environmen­t Court has sided with the Tasman District Council as to whether storing a private collection of ‘‘vintage’’ cars was compliant with council planning rules.

Edward and Judith Ashton own rural land just outside Nelson, and have been taken to court by the council following complaints from the community about their ‘‘junkyard’’.

The Environmen­t Court has now released Judge Brian Dwyer’s oral decision made at the end of May, but there are still terms to be negotiated between the Ashtons and the council.

The decision revealed as many as 141 cars in various states of disrepair were on their Haycock Rd property at any one time, covering just under a hectare of land.

According to the decision, Edward Ashton, who lives at the property and is a motor engineer, denied his property was a ‘‘wrecker’s yard’’ and told the court the cars had been collected so he could carry out his hobby of vehicle restoratio­n.

Judge Dwyer said because the vehicles weren’t in regular use it constitute­d storage, and this could be classed as industrial activity.

He said the impact it had on the amenity of the neighbourh­ood meant the activities had an adverse effect on the environmen­t.

He said while Ashton may have intended to restore the vehicles, storing them in paddocks ‘‘in such numbers gives the distinct impression of a wrecker’s yard or dumping ground’’.

The Ashtons are now responsibl­e for finding a suitable new location to store the vehicles, and ensuring it complies with council restrictio­ns. Discussion­s between the council and Ashton were ongoing, particular­ly regarding the timeframe of clearing the land.

The Ashtons declined to comment.

 ??  ?? A Hope couple have been told to remove cars covering nearly a hectare of their land, following a decision by the Environmen­t Court.
A Hope couple have been told to remove cars covering nearly a hectare of their land, following a decision by the Environmen­t Court.

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