The Post

Time to silence phones



If left on its default settings, my smartphone would beep, ding, buzz, and ring constantly. With messages, calls, social media notificati­ons and news alerts coming in several times an hour, it gets annoying.

All this noise proves irritating to me, my colleagues (how many times have you heard a ding and picked up your phone to realise it was your workmate’s?), my family and friends.

I’m slowly learning that a silent phone is a good phone.

As tech increases its influence into every part of our lives, it takes more of an effort to keep control.

The first place to start is the Sound setting on your phone. Set a discreet ringtone and alert for your most used messaging app. Also, don’t forget to turn off keyboard clicks.

I’ve disabled sounds for all my other apps.

I love Instagram but I don’t need to know the second I get a like on a photo.

If you're worried about missing anything, don't.

I’ve also stopped my phone vibrating when it rings, even when on silent. If for some reason you have muted your phone, you don’t need it to buzz.

The only time I miss this is when my phone is in my pocket but missing a call every now and then is worth the quiet I get the rest of the time.

If you’re worried about missing anything, don’t.

According to a study by Deloitte, the average person already checks their phone 46 times a day. If you’re anything close to that then that’s plenty of opportunit­ies to see what notificati­ons have come in.

Nothing is more frustratin­g being woken by a dinging phone. You can tackle this by using a setting on your phone so it goes silent between certain hours.

Both iPhones and Android devices call this feature Do Not Disturb.

It lets you mute your phone between say 11pm and 7am so it won’t wake you.

Or you can set it between 6pm and 8pm so your phone goes silent during meal times.

The setting also allows you to make exceptions. For example, you can allow calls from certain people to get through even when Do Not Disturb is activated.

Hushing your phone can take a bit of work, but it’s worth the effort for the extra peace you gain from not being interrupte­d or woken up by all those beeps, dings, buzzes and rings.

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