The Post



Not often an MP will come clean to lying ... but wait, it was not her fault it was the benefit’s fault; no doubt the benefit got her pregnant and made her go solo. With an attitude like this, how can we expect ordinary people to take responsibi­lity for their own actions. DON EDDIE, Karori

You are either honest or you are not. To admit to telling lies does not make you honest. It just confirms you cannot be believed. Metiria Turei, like others, decided that being a lawyer was more important than telling the truth. ALLAN BROWN, Raumati Beach How sad the creators of Doctor Who are to bow to feminism and change the gender of our time-travelling Doctor. Having a woman as The Doctor just doesn’t cut the mustard. What they have done is changed the Tardis into a flying portable loo.


Why do I watch ladies’ golf? I like golf and I like fashion, which draws the viewers. So, tell those old fuddy-duddies to pull their heads out of the sand and smell the coffee – it’s the 21st century, have a cold shower.

GARY STEWART, Foxton Beach

I have noticed a trait shared by the Great North Korean Leader, Kim Jong-un, and the Leader Making America Great Again (MAGA), Donald Trump. Besides a lot of waving, they both do a lot of clapping . . . at any time . . . almost as a nervous twitch . . . maybe to encourage the silent majority to enjoy their great successes.


I’m surprised Lorraine Skiffingto­n is well enough to have her day in court when she’s attempting to protect her ill-gotten assets (July 20), yet was deemed too ill to be in court with Sir Ngatata Love.


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