The Post

Moa loses hearing in ‘horrific week’


Musician Anika Moa has thanked fans for messages after it was revealed she’s facing a ‘‘career ender’’ because an ear infection led to her losing her hearing.

She said she ‘‘fully expects to be out on tour at the end of September’’.

‘‘It’s been a rough week with a really painful and scary ear infection and burst eardrum,’’ Moa said.

‘‘I just want to reassure people that I’m on the mend and the doctors don’t think that there’ll be any longterm effects. I’m taking a few weeks to recover but fully expect to be out on tour starting at the end of September as planned. Thanks for all the kind messages.’’

Her statement comes after Moa revealed she’s suffering from 75 per cent hearing loss following an ear infection that ruptured after developing from a ‘‘sharp pain’’.

The singer posted on Instagram to explain to fans that she’d had a ‘‘horrific week’’ before unveiling details of what happened.

‘‘I went to bed on Sunday night and woke with a sharp pain, which turned into full on earache which then turned into severe pain. Then my ear ruptured and now I can only hear 25 per cent good.

‘‘The hearing eventually comes back, say the profession­als, but it takes ages for the infection to go and, luckily for me, I was already in the country at my best friend’s house. So rest and recovery is needed.’’

Although doctors advised that rest and recovery was needed, the Kiwi singer said it wasn’t ideal news.

‘‘For a singer, well, to not hear is a f...ed thing to go through, in general, but for me it’s a career ender.

‘‘I’d be stuck to paperwork and clearing the dishes or maybe I could write my novel?

‘‘My wife and best friend were angels and really were there for me. Makes me teary thinking about it.

‘‘Anyhoodle [sic], just thought I’d let you know this is what’s happening and what I’ve been doing’’.

Moa is due to tour New Zealand in September and October, to mark the 10-year anniversar­y of her album In Swings The Tide. It will be combined with some kid-friendly dates for her Songs For Bubbas work.

 ?? PHOTO: NATALIE POLLEY ?? Singer Anika Moa has lost 75 per cent of her hearing because of an infection and burst eardrum, which she fears may be ‘‘career ending’’.
PHOTO: NATALIE POLLEY Singer Anika Moa has lost 75 per cent of her hearing because of an infection and burst eardrum, which she fears may be ‘‘career ending’’.

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