The Post



Why do some farmers complain about Labour’s water tax (which would be used to help clean up waterways) when they have been happy to pay for water from largely publicly funded water storage schemes e.g. the Ruataniwha water storage scheme. Pollution is a huge problem. Let’s all own the problem and clean it up. E. J. Mischefski, Hastings

A trip through the east coast of the South Island sees irrigators that have turned sheep country into dairy farms and bridges over dry riverbeds. A water tax is long overdue. Natalie Bowles, Paraparaum­u

Again, Shamubeel Eaqub proves economists are little more than theory practition­ers (Sept 15). Has he got rental buildings, has he had to recover costs, has he had to deal with the public in commerce. Has he ever been in commerce where increases must be recovered, and overheads, direct costs and then profit run on the basis of a third, a third, a third. Who are the ‘‘idiots’’, Mr Eaqub, those who have never left school and live on theory or those who give commerce a go? James Hibbs, Upper Hutt

Re Nurses in tears (Sept 18), why not return to the system of training nurses in hospital fulltime? There were always plenty of staff and it means no staff member need be alone. Even if your colleague might be very junior, there is backup in a stressful situation. Not only that, it wasn’t necessary to be at university level to start training. Quite often common sense stands a person in better stead than qualificat­ions.

Ann Nichols, Stokes Valley

For me, a superannui­tant, this election is about paying more tax or less. Under National I would get an extra $13 a week, which would help pay my grocery bill; under Labour with additional taxes, especially on farmers, my grocery bill would rise. Most over 65s who rely only on their pension are already only able to buy a limited amount of meat and dairy products because of the high cost. For the over 65s to pay less tax or more tax it’s a no brainer.

Mike Adams, Foxton

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