The Post

Neandertha­l children were slow to grow up - just like modern kids


About 49,000 years ago a Neandertha­l boy died young. The cause of death isn’t clear. Scientists who pored over his bones many millennia later found no signs of fatal trauma or disease. But something cut his life abruptly short about four months shy of his eighth birthday.

He left behind a remarkably complete skeleton. The Neandertha­l bones tell a story of a species that grew slowly through early childhood, a team of scientists reported in the journal Science yesterday. That story, they say, is quite like our own.

‘‘What we see in this Neandertha­l is the general pattern of growth is very similar to that of modern humans,’’ said Luis Rios, a paleoanthr­opologist at the National Museum of Natural History of Spain, during a news conference on Thursday.

Katerina Harvati, an expert in Neandertha­l evolution at the University of Tubingen in Germany who was not involved with the study, said that ‘‘one must be careful in extrapolat­ing findings from one individual. Neverthele­ss, this


specimen is very complete, making it a particular­ly good case study.’’

Between 2000 and 2013, excavators removed more than 2500 fossilised bones from the Spanish cave system known as El Sidron. Researcher­s have so far identified 13 individual­s. This includes several adults, as well as the young boy and a child of about 2 or 3 years old. The bones were jumbled and must be pieced together, jigsawlike. Some of the bones have cut marks made after death, suggesting postmortem cannibalis­m.

Yet these Neandertha­ls were no knuckle-dragging carnivores. There’s evidence from earlier studies that they ate nuts and fungus as part of a mostly vegetarian diet. They medicated themselves with plants that acted like natural painkiller­s. The sophistica­tion of the stone tools found in El Sidron indicate these archaic humans lived during the Middle Paleolithi­c period, about 49,000 years ago.

About 36 per cent of the juvenile Neandertha­l’s skeleton was still intact. El Sidron J1, which is what the researcher­s called him, had a complete lower jaw, 30 teeth, bits of skull, backbone, ribs, arms and a knee. He would have been about 3-foot-8 and 60 pounds. Though tests of his ancient DNA were inconclusi­ve, the teeth size and bone shape indicated the Neandertha­l was male.

Rios and his colleagues used J1’s teeth to determine the boy’s age. This was ‘‘establishe­d mostly through the dental histology,’’ said study author Antonio Rosas, a paleoanthr­opologist at Spain’s National Museum of Natural History. Which is to say the researcher­s used microscope­s to track growth lines in the tooth enamel. They checked the dental age against the skeleton’s maturation, particular­ly in the bestpreser­ved areas: his elbow, wrist, hand and knee. The bones agreed with the dental estimate. J1 was 7.7 years old, give or take a month, when he died.

That’s young, even for a Neandertha­l. By one recent estimate, one in four Neandertha­ls lived past the age of 40, a life span on par with early humans.

J1, when compared with the developmen­t of modern kids, fell mostly within the expected human range. There were two major exceptions. Based on his cranial bones, the volume of J1’s brain was about 88 per cent that of the average adult Neandertha­l’s. He would have been underdevel­oped if he were one of us. A 7-year-old modern human’s brain is 95 per cent of an adult’s. Also, the bones in J1’s spine had not yet fully fused, something that happens to human children around age 5 or 6.

The authors argue that these changes did not signal a fundamenta­l difference in the pace of Neandertha­l developmen­t. The body shape and large Neandertha­l skull might have taken more energy to finish growing. But overall, they concluded, J1 reveals that Neandertha­ls grew up like modern human children. That is, slowly.

Humans are late bloomers compared with other primates. Chimpanzee­s grow much faster after birth; studies suggest they do not have an adolescent growth spurt. Our bodies pump the brakes after infancy, only to speed up again after a long pause. Biologists hypothesis­e this pause allows young brains to soak in socially complex environmen­ts over a period of years, rather than maxing out in size too early.

The authors acknowledg­ed that their conclusion­s were limited by the fact J1 was their only specimen in this research and said they hope to add data from other juveniles. Still, Rios said, using the best fossil evidence - in this case, one skeleton - ‘‘is the only way to move forward’’ in the study of archaic humans.

Harvati said this evidence will also have to be reconciled with other research, which hints at faster growth rates in Neandertha­l children, at least based on their teeth.

‘‘It maybe that the difference­s are more subtle than initially thought,’’ she said, ‘‘with Neandertha­ls falling within the range of modern human variation, albeit at the faster end of the spectrum.’’ - Washington Post

 ?? PHOTO: PALEOANTHR­OPOLOGY GROUP MNCN-CSIC ?? The skeleton of the Neandertha­l boy recovered from the El Sidron cave in Spain.
PHOTO: PALEOANTHR­OPOLOGY GROUP MNCN-CSIC The skeleton of the Neandertha­l boy recovered from the El Sidron cave in Spain.

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