The Post

Issues with agents


Allow me to add to the real estate agent story (Letters, Dec 28) related by Dorothy F Dyett, who refuses to be fooled into thinking that her property has been cherrypick­ed.

Discussing letterbox drops in my area by agencies, I learned other neighbours are also of the opinion that agents do not think their paperwork is ‘‘junk mail’’.

Try complainin­g to managers of real estate agencies and see how many come forth. One agent selling a place wanted a neighbour to change the way their car was parked.

A tenant allowed an agent in for a friendly visit, the realtor was allowed to look through the place, then looked up the owner’s name and offered to sell it ‘‘at a good price’’. The owner was outraged that permission to look through, i.e. from the owner, had not been sought first.

How many agents remove their shoes before entering properties?

I wonder if it is possible for homeowners to have their telephone numbers on a register available to the agencies to prevent unwanted calls offering free property valuations.

Surely, if owners want to sell, they will choose a real estate agency which doesn’t offend by putting leaflets into letterboxe­s with ‘‘no junk mail’’ on the front, who won’t make ridiculous demands on neighbours about perceived untidiness, and who guarantee that agents remove footwear before inspection­s. HEATHER MACKIE Trentham

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