The Post

Iran protests spread to capital


TEHRAN: Iranian police and plaincloth­es security officers mobilised yesterday to quell a third straight day of nationwide anti-government demonstrat­ions that for the first time reached the capital, where the chants among protesters included: ‘‘Death to the dictator!’’

The bold reference to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei the all-powerful leader of a theocracy that for 38 years has stagemanag­ed street demonstrat­ions and stifled public expression reflected the depth of frustratio­n driving the biggest show of public discontent that Iran has seen in years.

Police on motorcycle­s broke up an unauthoris­ed gathering of about 200 people at Tehran’s Enghelab Square while authoritie­s in the central city of Shahreh Kord fired tear gas as the government tried to keep the apparently spontaneou­s demonstrat­ions from gaining momentum.

Witnesses said police detained at least 12 demonstrat­ors and stationed water cannons near Enghelab Square (Enghelab means ‘‘revolution’’ in Farsi) after dozens were arrested in other cities on Saturday. Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fazl, cautioned Iranians against taking part in ‘‘illegal gatherings.’’

At the same time, thousands of pro-government demonstrat­ors took to the streets to commemorat­e the suppressio­n of the last major street protests in Iran, in 2009, after the disputed re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmadineja­d. The annual rallies had been planned earlier, but the choreograp­hed chants of ‘‘Death to America!’’ took on added significan­ce as a counterwei­ght to the unauthoris­ed economic protests.

The anti-government demonstrat­ions that began on Friday in Mashhad, Iran’s secondlarg­est city, have now spread to more than 10 cities and appear to be driven by frustratio­n over a stagnant economy, official corruption and soaring prices for eggs and other basic goods.

As the rallies gathered steam, protesters - most in their 20s and 30s - also called for the release of political prisoners and chanted against both the hard-line Khamenei and President Hassan Rouhani, a relative moderate who has failed to deliver on promises of economic and social reform.

Many analysts expected police and the government’s feared Basij volunteer militia to clamp down hard. Ahmad Khatami, a firebrand cleric who is close to the ruling establishm­ent, called on Saturday for a heavy-handed crackdown against ‘‘anarchists who violate the law.’’

But the security presence did not deter demonstrat­ors in Enghelab Square, near Tehran University. They chanted, ‘‘Death to this deceitful government,’’ and ‘‘We will die, we will die, we will take back Iran.’’

‘‘People ask me what will happen next,’’ Abbas Abdi, a leader of the 1979 seizure of the US Embassy in Tehran who is now an influentia­l advocate of political reforms, wrote in a newspaper column. ‘‘And I can say that people can tolerate economic pressure but not humiliatio­n.’’

The government sought to discredit the rallies. A news anchor on state-run television aligned the protesters with President Donald Trump, one of the Iranian government’s loudest critics, who expressed support in a Twitter post late Friday for the ‘‘peaceful protests by Iranian citizens fed up with regime’s corruption & its squanderin­g of the nation’s wealth to fund terrorism abroad.’’

Trump called on Iran to respect demonstrat­ors’ rights, saying, ‘‘The world is watching!’’

 ?? PHOTO: AP ?? Students attend a protest inside Tehran University while anti-riot Iranian police prevent them from joining other protesters.
PHOTO: AP Students attend a protest inside Tehran University while anti-riot Iranian police prevent them from joining other protesters.

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