The Post



Re the Bob Jones controvers­y and Waitangi Day, is it possible for a person to receive two knighthood­s?

Dunedin Peter Petterson (Feb 14) ‘‘hit the nail on the head’’ re a country party ally for National. Labour should do the same in the Ma¯ori electorate­s and just have ‘‘independen­t Ma¯ori Labour’’. Both new parties could only run on the list while the major parties chase the party vote. MMP without post-election negotiatio­ns. Don Eddie, Karori

So the appointmen­t of a chief technology officer is proving difficult for the Government (Feb 13), with over 60 applicants rejected. What self-respecting technology ‘‘expert’’ would want to get out of bed for the paltry $400-$500K salary on offer? Make it at least $1 million and then there’d suddenly be several candidates deemed ‘‘suitable’’ for the role. After all, that’s why it works so well in the private sector.

Mike Jarvis, Paraparaum­u Beach

As hard as it is to compliment anything about the new Seven Sharp show, kudos to presenter Jeremy Wells on his dress sense. Wells presents in a smart suit and tie, unlike his predecesso­r Mike Hosking who, as a middle-aged man, thought it was ‘‘cool’’ to wear faded jeans with deliberate­ly made rips above the knee and a jacket with sleeves so short he spent most of the show dragging them down. Wells looks like a profession­al. Hosking looked silly. Gerry Cunneen, Khandallah

Policing the sexual habits of Australia’s Cabinet and his party may be a challengin­g, but fruitless job for PM Malcolm Turnbull. In his morality lecture to the nation on Barnaby Joyce’s affair he has drawn a ‘‘red line’’ for office hanky-panky. A possible idea could be to introduce ministeria­l ankle bracelets (not the ascetic type worn by devotees) that emit strong odours that dampen erotic impulses but, when the person’s aroused, send an alert direct to Turnbull of imminent misconduct. Rob Buchanan, Kerikeri

Dear President Trump, have you ever looked at Canada and wondered why they don’t have school shootings? Is it because teachers carry concealed arms? What can their magic secret possibly be? Leith Wallace, Karori

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