The Post




1. An uncomplica­ted sort of medicinal plant (6)

4. This person, on TV show, should keep one to bed (6)

9. A hint of its link with gin maybe (7)

10. It takes carbon to damage one’s power of fascinatio­n (5)

11. Be conversant with a king at the present time (4)

12. It is a healthy source of oil (4)

13. At that time there was no time for a layer (3)

15. Accepted, also, by the head of 11 (4)

16. Some land to be taken care of (4)

19. Mine is the place for the theatre musicians (3)

21. How the Romans said farewell to this place of tears (4)

22. Is nuts about making a soft drink (4)

24. Hint that I am to work at my trade (5)

25. Bird one must follow to get a cocktail (7)

26. An angry outburst from one involved in commerce (6)

27. Rule that’s finished in German, first and last (6) DOWN

1. Staying with broken piton if there’s no progress beyond it (8-5)

2. Discern how to get by (4,3)

3. Rail about having a place to hang out (4)

5. Piece of jewellery setting the tyre alight (8)

6. Erica may be seen in the open countrysid­e (5)

7. Making of a strong protest to mariners, not to be altered (13)

8. It may suit one to say yes (5)

14. Carried CD, envoy could have used English for it (8)

17. Tending to arouse feelings for me, I vote for it (7)

18. Old as the appearance of fire in a previous love (5)

20. Drunkard taking last of carafe (port, it could be) (5)

23. Or it might be a piece three can play (4)

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