The Post

Phones have ruined our thinking


At 35, I’m probably a bit young to be going senile. Yet that is exactly what it feels like is happening.

Very often I go into a room and forget why, or grab my bag to check something in my (paper) diary only to find, 10 minutes later, that I’m deep in a Facebook thread on my phone. Sometimes I go to boil the kettle for a hot water bottle and clean forget – something else has grabbed my attention. This is terrifying enough. But the interrupti­ons and blanks in my trains of thought while I’m actually in front of a screen are on a whole other level.

I can sit down to write something and it can take an hour – yes, an hour – to extricate myself from all the prompts and alerts and red dots that assail me when I open up my laptop with its four email accounts, Facebook, Twitter, news sites and last night’s Netflix. The worst thing? I submit to all this needless noise with craving like intensity. And once I finally get into whatever it is I’m working on, I find that every few sentences, my mind drifts back to those accounts - what can I check? What can I Google? What can I buy?

My guess is that I’m not going senile. It’s that after nearly 10 years of 24/7 internet (I got my first iPhone nearly a decade ago), my ability to concentrat­e - our ability to concentrat­e - has been blown to pieces.

This, it seems, is because our brains have got confused, and have begun to imitate internet browsers. Just as you can always open more tabs in your browser, you can - as digital life has made all too clear - always cut short one thought and open a new one. This is bad for thinking, productivi­ty and, by depriving us of the pleasures of concentrat­ion, happiness.

At last, studies are beginning to catch up with all this, using hard data to state the bleeding obvious.

An experiment by researcher­s at the University of British Columbia has captured the emotionall­y deleteriou­s effects of our addiction to so-called connectedn­ess.

The study of 301 adults sent out for a meal concluded that the mere presence of a smartphone, spectrally gleaming away on the tabletop, robbed the phone owner of the enjoyment of spending time with their dinner partner over a meal.

The diners who put their phone in a bucket before the meal had a better time: they felt more connected, more in the moment, and less like they could be doing something, anything, elsewhere.

Writing in the Journal of Experiment­al Psychology, the team concluded that phones conferred a constant itch to check and refresh and update and browse and scroll, thus making owners not just distracted, but bored.

Turns out I’m very far from being the only one who feels this way.

When science journalist Catherine Price found herself scrolling eBay for Victorian-era doorknobs while her newborn fed and gazed up at her, she decided to research how and why phones took over, fracturing not just our concentrat­ion but our ability to be in the moment at all, and how we can retrain ourselves.

Among numerous depressing findings, Price pointed to a UK survey of more than 1700 people showing that 62 per cent of women and 48 per cent of men had checked their phone during sex.

The result of her investigat­ion was How to Break Up with Your Phone in 30 Days, which became an instant bestseller when it came out last month.

In it, Price explains how to ‘‘take back your life’’ with tips such as taking regular ‘‘phasts’’ or phone fasts - only checking social media and news on a desktop or laptop, and buying a non-telephonic alarm clock so that your phone isn’t the first thing you reach for in the morning.

 ?? 123RF ?? A study of 301 adults sent out for a meal found that the mere presence of a smartphone robbed the phone owner of the enjoyment of spending time with their partner over a meal.
123RF A study of 301 adults sent out for a meal found that the mere presence of a smartphone robbed the phone owner of the enjoyment of spending time with their partner over a meal.

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