The Post

Cardinal could face fresh sex charges


AUSTRALIA: Cardinal George Pell may face fresh charges after a sensationa­l developmen­t during his committal hearing.

The Melbourne Magistrate­s Court heard yesterday that a witness, who was due to face crossexami­nation, had supplied a new statement to police on Monday evening.

Pell, 76, faces multiple historical sexual offence charges involving multiple complainan­ts. Details of the charges are yet to be revealed. He has repeatedly denied the allegation­s.

The new statement is understood to contain further allegation­s against him.

Pell’s barrister, Robert Richter, QC, said the ‘‘troubling’’ statement put his legal team in an ‘‘invidious’’ position and would not allow them to have the opportunit­y to properly cross-examine the witness. They argued that it should not be considered during the committal hearing.

‘‘Whether charges are to be laid or not … it should not be part of this committal at this stage,’’ Richter told the court.

He said the statement was ‘‘problemati­c’’, and argued that it should instead be included in another later hearing if charges were to proceed, once his legal team had been given time to investigat­e the claims.

‘‘We’ve not had any time do investigat­ion,’’ he said.

The witness had been called to give evidence to answer questions about an earlier statement he had provided to police which placed Pell at a location at the time an alleged sexual offence is claimed to have occurred.

Richter requested that the witness’s first statement be removed from the police brief of evidence and that he no longer be called to give evidence at the hearing.

– Fairfax

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