The Post

Phoenix servant Russell Gray dies


Wellington Phoenix are mourning the death of Russell Gray, a stalwart who has acted in many roles at the club, from media manager to bag man.

Gray, who died peacefully at his home yesterday morning, was also an author of sports books, a respected journalist and a football fanatic. He was a member of the Wellington Phoenix staff for more than 10 years, since the club’s inception, serving as both media and kit manager up until the 2016-17 season.

Prior to the Phoenix, Gray was a respected journalist - and former sports editor at The Dominion covering all manner of sporting events, with football, golf and netball his specialiti­es.

He was with The Dominion for 32 years, from 1970 until 2002, mentoring a generation of young reporters. He also wrote biographie­s of football coach Ricki Herbert, netballer Irene van Dyk, golfer Michael Campbell, and golf coach Mal Tongue.

Former Phoenix and All Whites coach Herbert said hearing of the death of a ‘‘very special friend’’ was ‘‘very sad, very sad times’’.

‘‘Russ was the first guy I employed at the club. He was huge value to the club, he had an amazing heart for the game, and amazing love of the game.’’

Herbert had rung the semiretire­d Gray to consult him, and wound up offering him a job. It was an offer he never regretted.

‘‘He jumped at the chance and he was still there five and a half years later,’’ Herbert said.

Despite retiring, Gray was still actively involved around the club. He wrote the match report for the Phoenix’s last match.

A man with a gift for telling colourful stories, the Manchester educated Gray could often be seen at training talking to players, coaches and reporters.

‘‘Russ was a great friend to all, not only at our club, but to all those that he crossed paths with in the A-League and beyond,’’ the Phoenix said yesterday. ‘‘He is a man who was loved by so many players, staff and fans.

‘‘On behalf of the Wellington Phoenix, our football community and all those who knew Russell, we send our deepest sympathies to his wife Barbara and family.’’

Prior to his Phoenix stint Gray was a cheerful and popular colleague at The Dominion - provided Manchester United were winning.

He had an ability to relate well to athletes and staff at all levels, and an eye for a sharp angle.

He first met Herbert as a journalist, writing about him while Herbert was still playing top level football.

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Russell Gray

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