The Post

Don’t judge me on my sexuality: Owens


Rugby’s highest-profile referee, Nigel Owens, has urged Israel Folau to judge him on his personalit­y rather than his sexuality.

The Wallabies star has also been admonished for his anti-gay views by Chiefs halfback Brad Weber, who has described the prospect of playing against him as disgusting.

A referee of more than 150 internatio­nal matches, openly gay Welshman Owens has condemned Folau’s view that homosexual­s are destined for hell unless they repent their ‘‘sins’’.

Owens came out publicly in 2007 after attempting suicide at the age of 24, having struggled to come to terms with his sexuality.

The 46-year-old stressed devout Christian Folau was entitled to his beliefs but suggested the comment would have been unhelpful during his difficult time.

‘‘When you’re in a position of privilege like that, there comes a responsibi­lity with the way you convey those beliefs,’’ Owens told the Unfiltered podcast.

‘‘For me it’s trying to get those people to understand, look, me being gay is not a choice.

‘‘There are young people out there taking their own lives, feeling like I did. And that’s what I wish people would think about, and the way they convey their opinions ...

‘‘Judge me and other gay people, judge them on the content of their character, not their sexuality.’’

With Rugby Australia deciding not to sanction Folau, any push against his anti-gay views could now come from rugby’s rank-and-file.

One-test All Black Weber could no longer remain silent.

‘‘Kinda sick of us players staying quiet on some of this stuff,’’ Weber tweeted.

‘‘I can’t stand that I have to play this game that I love with people like Folau who say what he’s saying.

‘‘My cousin and her partner, and my aunty and her partner are some of the most kind, caring and loving people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing.

‘‘To think that I play against someone that says they’ll go to Hell for being gay disgusts me.’’

 ??  ?? Referee Nigel Owens
Referee Nigel Owens

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