The Post

TJ ‘100pc’ opposes Folau view


All Black and Hurricanes halfback TJ Perenara has joined Chiefs rival Brad Weber in speaking out against the antigay comments made by Israel Folau.

Perenara took to Twitter to say he was 100 per cent against the comments made by the Waratahs and Wallabies star.

‘‘I’d like to add my voice to the conversati­on currently taking place. As profession­al rugby players, whether we like it or not, we are role models for a lot of young people. Notably, young Ma¯ori and Pasifika people,’’ Perenara tweeted.

‘‘You don’t need to look far to know that young Ma¯ori/PI are over-represente­d in youth suicide statistics and, as I understand it, even more so when you look to those who are part of the Rainbow community. Comments that cause further harm cannot be tolerated.

‘‘Let it go on record that I am 100% against the comments that were made by Israel. It was not OK to say that. It’s not an attitude I want to see in the game I love. There is no justificat­ion for such harmful comments.

‘‘To anyone, young Ma¯ori/ Pasifika people especially, who may be struggling with their identity – please know that it is OK to be you. You are perfect as you are. Do not let these comments keep you from being yourself. Polynesia has been sexually diverse since forever.’’

Meanwhile, Rugby Australia (RA) has been criticised for its handling of the Folau controvers­y by gay world club rugby champions the Melbourne Chargers.

Chargers president Xavier Goldie has sent an open invitation for devout Christian Folau to attend one of their training sessions in the hope he could understand why his comments were so hurtful to the gay community.

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