The Post

A celebratio­n of seven Marvel-lous must-see movies


My daughter was a toddler when Iron Man kicked off the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Until recently, she had demonstrat­ed little to no interest in superheroe­s. But next month, Avengers: Infinity War comes out and she’s very excited about it.

The thing is, my daughter has not watched many of the previous MCU films. AMC Theaters in the US plans to show a marathon of these films before Infinity War, but at this point we are at 18 films. That’s a heck of a commitment. Not even my darling, obsessivec­ompulsive daughter is keen to participat­e in an 18-film marathon.

As a parent, I am excited at the prospect of a common interest with my daughter. But this gives rise to an interestin­g question: What are the fewest number of MCU films to watch to understand Infinity War? Some are obvious; no one needs to watch The Incredible Hulk. Other films might be really good but aren’t essential to understand­ing characters or plotlines.

I have reduced the number of necessary films to watch from 18 to seven. Note that these films are not necessaril­y the best ones in the MCU; indeed, I have omitted some of my favourites. My criteria was whether a newbie, after watching these films, would be properly introduced to as many characters as possible and to key plot points to explain the current state of the MCU. With those two factors in mind, here are the necessary films to watch, in this order: Iron Man (2008): Jon Favreau’s film defines the MCU aesthetic in surprising­ly short order. Iron Man is introduced, and the idea of the Avengers is properly teased out. Thor (2011): Kenneth Branagh’s film introduces us to Thor and his brother, Loki, and we get a cameo of Jeremy Renner’s Hawkeye to boot. This is probably the worst film on this list, but there’s simply no way to understand later films without getting some sense of the backstory between Thor and Loki. The Avengers (2012): I would wager that Joss Whedon’s film is the best of the entire MCU. The film’s ability to juggle six different protagonis­ts is impressive, and it works as an effective teambuildi­ng exercise. This film tells Captain America’s backstory in less than a minute, making it unnecessar­y to watch that film. Plus, Thanos is introduced, and I hear he’s going to be an important part of Infinity War. Guardians Of The Galaxy (2014): James Gunn’s film introduces us to the space-bound members of the MCU. We see Thanos continue his scheming. Also: We are Groot. Avengers: Age Of Ultron (2015): It’s not Whedon’s greatest film, but it’s necessary to watch to understand that Thor and the Hulk are going off the grid. It introduces the Avengers 2.0, with Vision and Scarlet Witch. And if you haven’t seen Captain America: The Winter Soldier, it offers a decent introducti­on to the Falcon. Captain America: Civil War (2016): This film contains the the best battle sequence in the entire franchise, but for our purposes that is merely a bonus. Without watching any other films, Civil War introduces the newbie to AntMan, Spider-Man and Black Panther, eliminatin­g those films as required viewing. Equally vital, it gives a rough guide to the status of the Earth-bound Avengers for the start of Infinity War. Thor: Ragnarok (2017): One of the funniest of the MCU films, it’s necessary to know what Thor and the Hulk are up to while Civil War’’ is going on. An added bonus is that you meet Doctor Strange, thereby eliminatin­g the need to watch that film. And that’s it. With these seven films, a novice viewer is exposed to every superhero in the MCU films and will have a rough guide to where they are in Infinity War.

Obviously, you won’t know every character or backstory – Iron Man 2 and Black Panther would be the next films to add on that score. Still, I think after my daughter watches these films she’ll be ready for Infinity War.

To repeat: These seven are not my favorite Marvel films. While some of them are among my favourites, so are the Captain America films and Black Panther. But these are the necessary titles to watch if you have a child who was too young to grow up on these films but really wants to watch Infinity War. – The Washington Post ❚ Daniel Drezner is a professor of internatio­nal politics at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University.

 ??  ?? 2008’s Iron-Man introduces us to Robert Downey Jnr’s Iron Man.
2008’s Iron-Man introduces us to Robert Downey Jnr’s Iron Man.

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