The Post



I did what Facebook said and downloaded all my data and what did I find – everything. It had about 200 numbers, including the washing machine repairer. It had every email address I seem to have used on the phone and every phone call, including the recipient, date and duration. Why would anybody want to know how long I spoke to the washing machine repairer? It’s time for Facebook to provide some answers rather than 457 pages of data.

Dennis Fitzgerald, Box Hill, Victoria

Auckland and Sydney Harbour Bridge painters have perpetual employment – when finished at one end they start again at the other. Similarly in Wellington we have the repair of the Ka¯piti Expressway surface. Stewart Fraser, Te Horo Beach It is about time the Israel Folau saga was laid to rest. Every normal and logical person on Earth knows there is no such place as Hell. They only make pizzas.

Gary Hedges, Avalon

Bishop Brian Tamaki was recently burnt while tending a rubbish fire. He was reported saying that he endured a lot of pain – he must have gone through hell. I wonder what "cast him into the furnace of fire"? Thankfully he is no #CryBabyBis­hop. John Unwin, Northland

With another Anzac Day come and gone when will our musicians learn to discard their cornet and play bugle calls on a bugle? Everyone else seems to manage it – is it that hard? The calls sound so much better on the instrument they were composed for.

John Willson, Napier

Re road bridge crashes, it appears that no thought has been given by the Transport Authority to the approaches to bridges, and there are some difficult ones. Perhaps well-signposted speed humps painted white and yellow for high visibility could be used on both sides of the road (so they cannot be avoided) on both approaches to high-accident bridges to slow traffic down.

Carole Naylor, Papakowai

Wellington City Council is advertisin­g in the media for input to the future plans for Wellington city. One wonders why it bothers when clearly it continuall­y ignores the wishes of the majority. The placement of the Chinese Garden and cycleways are very good examples of how well the council supposedly listened.

Carol Cooper-McCord, Lower Hutt

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