The Post

‘Vicious’ alliance won’t bring peace


The vicious alliance between Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and United States President Donald Trump against Iran has become more evident than ever.

This alliance was something that Seyed Hossein Mousavian, former Iranian nuclear negotiator and now a researcher at Princeton University, had warned about immediatel­y after Trump took the helm at the White House. It came into real existence when Trump on May 9 walked away from the 2015 nuclear agreement and vowed to reinstate the harshest sanctions against Tehran, in contravent­ion of internatio­nal law.

This happened despite the fact that Iran’s nuclear activities are subject to the most robust inspection and verificati­on regime in history.

In a co-ordinated move, eight days before Trump’s move, Netanyahu resorted to a theatrical show against Iran’s nuclear programme.

Also, Saudi Arabia and the UAE welcomed the Trump decision.

However, whatever Trump, Netanyahu and Saudi Arabia and others have in mind, or whatever result this plot may lead to, one thing is clear and that is those regional countries, which have been ‘‘collecting firewood’’ for this unlawful and hostile move by Trump and other hawks against Iran, will not be able to live in peace in the absence of security and tranquilit­y for Iran.

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