The Post

University name change on track

- Ruby Macandrew

Victoria University’s proposed name ‘‘simplifica­tion’’ is tracking along well, despite a public meeting on the issue attracting just six people.

Earlier this year, the tertiary institutio­n began floating the idea of changing is name to the University of Wellington, in an effort to eliminate confusion for potential overseas students.

Over the past two months, a series of forums for staff, students and stakeholde­r groups including civic leaders, other tertiary institutio­ns and Ma¯ ori have been held to discuss the proposal.

However, despite the number of opportunit­ies for in-person engagement, only six people attended a public meeting held in Wellington and two of the 220 people invited attended a meeting for stakeholde­rs.

In addition to public discussion­s, the university received just over 400 email submission­s during its feedback window.

While the level of engagement in the name change proposal has been a drop in the bucket when it comes to the number of people associated with the university, the tertiary institutio­n already has the support of Wellington Mayor Justin Lester and members of the Victoria University of Wellington Students Associatio­n (VUWSA). Vice-chancellor Professor Grant Guilford said that if the simplifica­tion were to go ahead, a key focus would be on ensuring the heritage of the name Victoria was protected and honoured by the university.

‘‘If we do decide to retire Victoria from the name of the university, there are a number of ways we could continue to use the word and respect all it means to us. For instance, retaining the word in publicatio­ns, our physical facilities and some of our units such as clubs and halls of residence.’’

Guilford said it was intended to change only the name, and leave the university’s crest, font and other details the same.

After feedback and market research, the costs associated with a name change would be announced and any proposed name change would go to Education Minister Chris Hipkins for approval.

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Grant Guilford
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