The Post

Kavanaugh sworn in


The Senate confirmed Brett Kavanaugh as the 114th Supreme Court justice yesterday by one of the narrowest margins in history amid mass protests, ending a vitriolic battle over his nomination and solidifyin­g a conservati­ve majority on the court.

As a throng of angry demonstrat­ors stood on the steps of the Capitol, the Senate finalised on a near party-line vote of 50 to 48 what will certainly be one of President Donald Trump’s most enduring legacies: two Supreme Court justices in two years in an increasing­ly polarised nation.

The brutal confirmati­on fight is likely to have far-reaching implicatio­ns in next month’s midterm elections. Republican­s are confrontin­g an electrifie­d Democratic base led by women infuriated by the treatment of Christine Blasey Ford, who detailed in emotional testimony last week her allegation­s that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her when both were teenagers. Kavanaugh has denied the allegation­s.

Yet Republican­s say the battle to get Kavanaugh confirmed – in the face of Democratic opposition and the ‘‘mob’’ of anti-Kavanaugh demonstrat­ors who flooded the Capitol in recent days – only motivated a fractured GOP electorate on a singularly unifying issue for conservati­ves: the federal judiciary. ‘‘It’s been a great political gift for us. The tactics have energised our base,’’ Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said yesterday. ‘‘I want to thank the mob, because they’ve done the one thing we were having trouble doing, which was energising our base.’’

Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., delivered a message ‘‘to so many millions who are outraged by what happened here ... vote.’’

Kavanaugh heads to the Supreme Court significan­tly scarred from the confirmati­on fight, which had the echoes of the 1991 battle over now-Justice Clarence Thomas who was accused of sexual harassment by law professor Anita Hill and defended himself in an emotional, highstakes congressio­nal hearing.

Already, Chief Justice John Roberts Jr. has received more than a dozen complaints of judicial misconduct against Kavanaugh but is not referring them for investigat­ion for the time being. And in a joint appearance on Saturday at Princeton University, their shared alma mater, Justices Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor raised concerns about how the bitter partisan battle over Kavanaugh will affect the court’s reputation.

‘‘We have to rise above partisansh­ip in our personal relationsh­ips,’’ said Sotomayor, who was nominated by President Barack Obama in 2009. ‘‘We have to treat each other with respect and dignity and with a sense of amicabilit­y that the rest of the world doesn’t often share.’’

The tension surroundin­g Kavanaugh’s nomination continued until the final minutes in the packed Senate chamber, where several protesters were escorted out after disrupting the vote, during which Vice President Mike Pence presided.

– Washington Post

‘‘It’s been a great political gift for us. The tactics have energised our base.’’ Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader

 ?? AP ?? Jessica Campbell-Swanson, an activist from Denver, sits in the lap of a sculpture known as the Statue of Contemplat­ion of Justice on the steps of the Supreme Court Building where she and others protested the confirmati­on of Brett Kavanaugh as the high court’s newest justice.
AP Jessica Campbell-Swanson, an activist from Denver, sits in the lap of a sculpture known as the Statue of Contemplat­ion of Justice on the steps of the Supreme Court Building where she and others protested the confirmati­on of Brett Kavanaugh as the high court’s newest justice.
 ??  ?? Brett Kavanaugh
Brett Kavanaugh
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