The Post

It’s a gas behemoth

- Marcia Dunn

Astronomer­s may have found the first moon outside our solar system – a gas behemoth the size of Neptune. Plenty of planets exist beyond our solar system, but a moon around one of those worlds has yet to be confirmed. Two Columbia University researcher­s presented their tantalisin­g evidence for a moon last week.

The planet it orbits is as big as Jupiter. This apparent super-size pairing of a gaseous moon and planet is 8000 light years away.

Researcher­s Alex Teachey and David Kipping evaluated 284 planets outside our solar system that had already been discovered by Nasa’s Kepler Space Telescope.

Only one planet held promise for hosting a moon, one around the star known as Kepler-1625, which is about the size of our sun but older.

Last October, the pair directed the Hubble Space Telescope at the star to verify – or rule out – the possibilit­y of a moon orbiting the planet Kepler1625­b. They were on the lookout for a second temporary dimming of starlight.

The main dip in stellar brightness would be the planet itself crossing in front of its star. Another dip could well be a moon – known as an exomoon outside our solar system.

The more powerful and precise Hubble telescope detected a second and smaller decrease in starlight hours after the planet passed in front of the star – ‘‘like a dog following its owner on a leash,’’ as Kipping put it.

The observatio­n period, however, ended before the moon could complete its transit. That’s why the astronomer­s need another look with Hubble, hopefully next northern spring.

Despite the evidence, Teachey stressed ‘‘we are urging caution. The first exomoon is obviously an extraordin­ary claim and it requires extraordin­ary evidence,’’ Teachey said.

‘‘Furthermor­e, the size we’ve calculated for this moon, about the size of Neptune, has hardly been anticipate­d and so that, too, is reason to be careful.’’

He added: ‘‘We’re not cracking open Champagne bottles just yet on this one.’’

If indeed a moon, it would be about three million kilometres from its planet and appear twice as big in its sky, as the moon does in ours. The astronomer­s are uncertain how this potential moon might have formed, given its size.

‘‘If confirmed, this finding could completely shake up our understand­ing of how moons are formed and what they can be made of,’’ Nasa’s science mission chief Thomas Zurbuchen said.

According to the researcher­s, another compelling piece of evidence in favour of a moon is that the planet passed in front of its star more than an hour earlier than predicted.

A moon could cause that kind of an uncertain, wobbly path, they noted.

Kipping said that’s how the Earth and moon would appear from far away.

This particular planet – or exoplanet – is about the same distance from its star as Earth is to the sun.

Another planet could cause the same gravitatio­nal nudge, the researcher­s noted, although Kepler observatio­ns have come up empty in that regard. Kepler1625­b is the only planet found so far around this star.

For Teachey and Kipping, the best and simplest explanatio­n is that Kepler-1625b has a moon.

‘‘We’ve tried our best to rule out other possibilit­ies,’’ Kipping said.

‘‘But we were unable to find any other single hypothesis which can explain all of the data we have.’’

Their findings were published in the journal Science Advances.

‘‘The first exomoon is obviously an extraordin­ary claim and it requires extraordin­ary evidence.’’ Alex Teachey

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