The Post

More, bigger strikes by teachers possible

Latest pay offer

- Katarina Williams and Jessica Long

Union bosses will meet this week with the prospect of historic joint primary and secondary school strikes on the cards.

Primary school teachers and principals from much of the North Island downed tools yesterday as part of rolling strike action by New Zealand Educationa­l Institute (NZEI) members.

But the prospect of the PostPrimar­y Teachers’ Associatio­n (PPTA) joining industrial action in a mega strike that would see both secondary and primary school students off school, would up the ante in teachers’ pay row with the Government.

Hutt Valley’s Naenae College hosted a meeting of 500 to 600 Post Primary Teachers’ Associatio­n (PPTA) members yesterday afternoon, one of 34 meetings nationwide to discuss the detail of the Government’s second offer.

In Hamilton, NZEI president Lynda Stuart said members had to decide whether to accept or reject the Education Ministry’s latest offer – worth almost $700 million.

At Naenae College, PPTA executive member Chris Carr said the latest offer from the Government ❚ ❚ ❚ wasn’t worth union members’ considerat­ion because it lacked detail.

‘‘The Government needs to support us properly. We have the community with us.’’

More than 17,000 secondary teachers are meeting to discuss what is the second offer put to them by the ministry.

Wellington’s meeting will be held at Porirua’s Te Rauparaha Arena on Friday, November 23.

Yesterday’s meeting came as their primary school counterpar­ts engage in rolling regional strikes. Those in the wider Wellington region will walk out of their classrooms on Friday.

Increase teachers’ base-scale salary rates from 3 per cent (up from 2.5 per cent) yearly for three years for the G3+ entry trained teachers – the most common qualificat­ion group for secondary teachers. Three per cent yearly for three years for the G3+ maximum pay grade, which covers 72 per cent of trained secondary teachers. Three per cent increase (up from 2 per cent) yearly for three years for all other steps of the trained teachers base salary scale, and for all the rates of the untrained teacher salary scale rates.

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