The Post

Final fling by NZ M¯aori towers alongside Andes

- Joseph Pearson

New Zealand Ma¯ori powered past Chile to wrap up their of tour the Americas with an emphatic 73-0 victory in Las Condes yesterday.

Chile proved to be the weakest of the Ma¯ori’s three opponents this month after recording wins over the United States and Brazil.

They ruthlessly ran in 11 tries against the spirited Co´ ndores, whose heart wasn’t in question, but the result was never in doubt.

The Ma¯ori’s third leg of their November tour was, however, another testing cauldron of noise beneath an imposing range of the Andes mountains against a side ranked 30th in the world and fourth below Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil in the South American standings.

There was a point to prove after a fairly unconvinci­ng 35-3 win against Brazil in Sao Paulo last weekend and several members of the Ma¯ ori’s talented team – notably hat-trick hero Mitch Karpik and the enigma that is Akira Ioane – were particular­ly impressive, although the opposition wasn’t of the highest standard.

A packed out Estadio San Carlos de Apoquindo belted out the Chilean anthem as the players lined up before kick-off in front of a passionate and loud home crowd, creating a feverish atmosphere for this group of promising Kiwis to strut their stuff in an environmen­t far removed from the comforts of home.

The locals were willing their side on, begging for a try to savour in probably the biggest rugby occasion in Chilean history and they came close in second-half spells but for some formidable defence from Ioane, who turned over three successive Chilean attacks in one superbly skilled stint of defending.

The Ma¯ ori scrum that was at one point shunted backwards by Brazil was dominant against Chile’s pack and the New Zealand side’s slick handling caused the Co´ ndores all sort of problems.

Chile managed to disrupt the Ma¯ ori’s rhythm in periods of a onesided contest but not often enough to halt their considerab­le momentum in charging towards the 70-point mark despite more offloads going to ground in the second half.

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