The Post

Rejected academic fought for law change banning discrimina­tion on US campuses


In 1969, her newly earned doctorate in hand, Bernice Sandler was hoping to land one of seven open teaching positions in her department at the University of Maryland. When she learned she had been considered for none of them, she asked a male colleague about the oversight. ‘‘Let’s face it,’’ was his reply. ‘‘You come on too strong for a woman.’’

When she applied for another academic position, the hiring researcher remarked that he didn’t hire women because they too often stayed home with sick children. Later, an employment agency reviewed her CV and dismissed her as ‘‘just a housewife who went back to school’’.

Sandler had run headfirst into a problem that had only recently been given a name: sex discrimina­tion.

Knowing she was not alone, she embarked on a campaign that would change the culture on American college campuses – and eventually the law, with the passage in 1972 of Title IX, the landmark legislatio­n that banned sex discrimina­tion in federally funded educationa­l institutio­ns.

Trained in psychology and counsellin­g, Sandler devoted decades of her life to documentin­g, analysing and stopping the forms of discrimina­tion – subtle and overt – that held women back academical­ly and profession­ally in educationa­l settings.

When she began her advocacy efforts, many university department­s arbitraril­y limited the number of women they would hire. Others hired no women at all. Some disqualifi­ed married women. Some barred female students from chemistry and other department­s deemed more suited for men.

Sandler found there was no federal law prohibitin­g discrimina­tion against women in educationa­l fields. There was, however, an executive order signed by president Lyndon Johnson that prohibited sex discrimina­tion by organisati­ons with federal contracts.

‘‘It was a genuine ‘Eureka’ moment,’’ she later recalled. ‘‘I actually shrieked aloud, for I immediatel­y realised that many universiti­es and colleges had federal contracts, were therefore subject to the sex discrimina­tion provisions of the executive order, and that the order could be used to fight sex discrimina­tion on American campuses.’’

Sandler joined the Women’s Equity Action League and, as the one-member Federal Action Contract Compliance Committee, challenged 250 educationa­l institutio­ns for alleged sex discrimina­tion. She also coordinate­d a letter-writing campaign that, by her account, ‘‘generated so much Congressio­nal mail that the department­s of labour, and health, education and welfare had to assign several full-time personnel to handle the letters’’.

According to the National Women’s Hall of Fame, where Sandler was inducted in 2013, her efforts led to the first federal investigat­ion of sex discrimina­tion on campuses.

She worked for a House subcommitt­ee with oversight of the matter and for the Health, Education and Welfare Department as momentum grew, culminatin­g with passage of Title IX. For decades after the law was passed, Sandler continued her activism for gender equality in the classroom. As a speaker and author, she sought to draw attention to what she and a fellow researcher, Roberta Hall, termed the ‘‘chilly’’ classroom environmen­t for women.

Female professors, she found, were more likely than male professors to be challenged on their credential­s. Those with a PhD were not consistent­ly addressed as ‘‘Dr’’, and students expected greater leniency from female academics when they failed to complete their assignment­s. Female students were less likely to get an engaged response from professors than their male counterpar­ts.

‘‘When Title IX was passed, I was quite naive,’’ she said. ‘‘I thought all the problems of sex discrimina­tion in education would be solved in one or two years at most. When two years passed, I increased my estimate to five years, then later to 10, then to 50, and now I realise it will take many generation­s to solve all the problems.’’

Bernice Resnick – who went by the name Bunny – was born in New York to parents who ran a women’s clothing store. Sexist practices, she recalled, seemed to be part of the natural order of the world. ‘‘When I applied to college, it was openly known that women needed higher grades and test scores in order to be accepted. No-one complained – it was just the way things were.’’

Later in her career, Sandler explored the ‘‘chilly’’ environmen­t that greeted minority students and academics much as it greeted women. She also highlighte­d the danger of rape on campuses.

Her marriage to Jerrold Sandler ended in divorce. Survivors include two daughters, and three grandchild­ren. –

‘‘I thought all the problems of sex discrimina­tion in education would be solved in one or two years at most ... Now I realise it will take many generation­s.’’

 ?? GETTY ?? Bernice Sandler is honoured as a champion of the Title IX legislatio­n at a women’s basketball game in Denver, Colorado, in 2012.
GETTY Bernice Sandler is honoured as a champion of the Title IX legislatio­n at a women’s basketball game in Denver, Colorado, in 2012.

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