The Post


This summer, the Dominion Post hit the streets to ask people a series of random questions for our 15 Minutes of Fame project. Today, we hear from Thomas Westall, a tourist stopping by the capital on a family trip.


Donald Trump – is he a self-centred time bomb, or a breath of fresh air in world politics?

Time bomb for sure. It’s only a matter of time with him.

What is the moment that defines your life?

I don’t know, I’m not that old really. Although, maybe getting a black belt in martial arts.

What is the best concert you’ve ever been to?

Roger Waters – the Us and Them tour, that was last year.

In what circumstan­ces – if any – might you kill somebody?

If they were going to destroy the entire world or something along those lines. I’d do it for the greater good.

Which is better: pavlova or trifle? Why?

Pavlova. It’s just better.

Do you swerve or run over possums if you see one on the road while driving?

I would probably drive over it. I reckon it’s safer – you’d be more likely to cause damage on the road if you swerved I think.

Who is your favourite Prime Minister?

I don’t know much about New Zealand, so I’d have to go for an Australian one. Maybe Rudd? He apologised [to indigenous Australian­s for their stolen generation­s].

What is the biggest issue facing your hometown right now? And what do you think can be done about it?

I would say probably water pollution at beaches and stuff like that. And what can be done about it? Stop polluting but there also has to be better management systems implemente­d.

If money was no object what would you do with your life? Would you work?

Would I work? Well, you’d have to find some other meaning or purpose. But just surf I guess and just be happy. I wouldn’t have much other stuff to worry about.

 ?? ELEANOR WENMAN/STUFF ?? If money was no object tourist Thomas Westall would find some other purpose than work, but surfing would make him happy.
ELEANOR WENMAN/STUFF If money was no object tourist Thomas Westall would find some other purpose than work, but surfing would make him happy.
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