The Post

In a few words


If John Bishop (Letters, Jan 9) thinks the problem of plastic bag litter is mostly in the northern hemisphere, I suggest he join the ‘‘litterati’’ who collect flotsam from beaches around Wellington. The problem is not only the plastic, it’s the humans who negligentl­y dispose of it into the sea or drop it on the ground to be washed away. There are plenty of us cleaning it up daily. It never stops.

Loreen Brehaut, Oriental Bay

Over Christmas and New Year, first Tom McRae and then Melissa Davies have presented Newshub news at 6pm by themselves and done it very well. So I suggest this be the norm for the rest of 2019 and beyond. Moreover, there is a degree of male to female adoration when there are two news readers who look at each other as if to say, you go first, no, you go as I can’t see my autocue.

Brian Collins, Aro Valley

The 6.31am bus from Karori on Thursday had at least eight fewer seats than the bus at the same time last year. Is the Greater Wellington Regional Council colluding with Wellington City Council to get us all riding bikes?

Robyn Grooby, Karori

One wonders just how gullible people can be. Give them verifiable facts and the facts will be ignored because someone with an agenda manages to convince them that those facts are somehow wrong. 1080 isn’t the first to have its detractors. Look at President Trump and the way he distorts facts. The moon landings will still have sceptics in spite of verifiable facts that they did land there. When will the anti-1080 deniers come up with a better way of getting rid of the little killers that are doing their best to destroy our native birds? Being against anything may be OK but it is necessary to show something better. I have yet to see it.

Ray Hyndman, Avalon

I support the Wellington Airport extension. I hope when the time comes we have a referendum on the important issues for Wellington. Otherwise those who protest louder will always be heard.

William Bullock, Strathmore Park

Australia plans to deport more New Zealand-born criminals here, even if they shifted there with families and wha¯ nau as infants or toddlers. Should New Zealand retaliate and deport Australian-born offenders there? Would this be fair and justified?

Peter Petterson, Lower Hutt

What do Lime scooters and drones have in common? No registrati­on number plates.

Heather Mackie, Trentham

The aim of Let’s Get Wellington Moving is not to fix congestion (Brakes still on capital’s traffic plans, Jan 10). Every great place has a congestion problem. The only way to make congestion go away is to destroy what makes Wellington popular. Bad idea. Instead, we must focus on making the best use of space and money to improve our city. That means mass transit such as light rail, and investing in better land use, cycling, walking and demand management. We’ll all be better off.

Patrick Morgan, Te Aro

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