The Post

Fundraiser ‘hypocritic­al’

- Piers Fuller

A Givealittl­e fundraiser for staff and students affected by the liquidatio­n of one of the country’s biggest agricultur­al training facilities has been labelled hypocritic­al by a National MP.

Wairarapa-based Taratahi Agricultur­al Training Centre went into interim liquidatio­n with a $23 million debt before Christmas and was unable to pay wages. National’s spokesman for agricultur­e, Nathan Guy, criticised Wairarapa-based MP Kieran McAnulty’s fundraisin­g efforts saying it was his Labour-led Government which let the institutio­n fail.

McAnulty, along with Wairarapa’s three mayors, set up the Givealittl­e page this week ‘‘to help out those that have been caught up in the liquidatio­n of Taratahi’’. He said Guy’s comments were a sad example of him playing politics when all the Wairarapa leaders were trying to do was help.

‘‘Ultimately there is a dispute here about how Taratahi got to this point.

‘‘I’ve deliberate­ly left the fingerpoin­ting out of it and just focused on trying to ensure we save the home farm and get training continued in Wairarapa in the future.’’

The Givealittl­e initiative was a practical way they could help people during the liquidatio­n process. Suspended staff may face five weeks without pay before creditors are paid.

‘‘Wairarapa’s a really caring community,’’ McAnulty said. ‘‘We’ve got staff that are facing a wage suspension and if we can do something to give the community an avenue in which they can donate some money to help them out, even if it’s just a small amount to pay for a food package, then it just goes to show that the community is thinking of them.’’

Guy said ‘‘passing the begging bowl around’’ was effectivel­y asking the public to stump up when the Government could have funded Taratahi to bridge the shortfall in cashflow.

McAnulty said the Government was resolved to fix the long-term sustainabi­lity of agricultur­al training.

Balclutha farm training organisati­on Telford in Southland was also hit by Taratahi’s collapse. Clutha mayor Bryan Cadogan and NZ First MP Mark Patterson have also organised a Givealittl­e page for those affected.

 ??  ?? Taratahi Agricultur­al Training College based in Wairarapa went into liquidatio­n in December.
Taratahi Agricultur­al Training College based in Wairarapa went into liquidatio­n in December.
 ??  ??

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