The Post

How did Roger Stone survive Watergate?

- Timothy Naftali

When political dirty trickster Roger Stone was arrested and charged with lying to Congress, obstructio­n of justice and witness tampering last week, the result wasn’t merely the indictment of one man: Instead, it was an overdue condemnati­on of a component of our political system.

The fact that Stone did not disappear into deserved irrelevanc­e after 1974 demonstrat­es that neither he, nor the Washington political culture that continued to tolerate him, learned the right lessons from Watergate.

People are allowed to make mistakes and seek redemption, even in politics. But Stone never apologised and never seemed to grasp that he was a cog in a fog machine that denied voters the real informatio­n they deserved to make their constituti­onal choice. Stone’s continued presence on the political scene reinforced the idea that ‘‘the coverup is worse than the crime’’ instead of, ‘‘above all, don’t commit the crime.’’ It shouldn’t have taken this long for us to reject that amoral approach to power and leadership.

The Nixon Foundation may have tried to distance the former president from his disgraced admirer on Friday, but Stone was not part of any rogue operation in the Nixon orbit.

As a member of President Richard Nixon’s Committee to ReElect the President, better known as CREEP, Stone helped recruit a young operative to spy on a group of Quakers who had set up a peace vigil in front of the Nixon White House. Stone also admitted to Congress that he faked a contributi­on from the Young Socialist Alliance to Pete McCloskey, a liberal Republican who in 1972 was mounting a challenge to Nixon in the New Hampshire primary. After delivering the $135 in cash and receiving a receipt, Stone then drafted an anonymous letter to the conservati­ve Manchester Union Leader with a photocopy of the receipt to discredit McCloskey.

Stone did not merely engage in dirty tricks; in 1972, the then19-year-old Stone was assigned by CREEP official Herbert ‘‘Bart’’ Porter to recruit a spy to penetrate the campaigns of Democratic presidenti­al hopefuls. The secret Nixon agent, Michael W. McMinoway, introduced himself successive­ly into the campaigns of Edmund Muskie, Hubert Humphrey and George McGovern. Stone became his case officer, receiving intelligen­ce from McMinoway via a post office box in Washington.

We are all innocent until proved otherwise, but Stone long ago gleefully admitted his guilt as an avid saboteur of our democracy. In this, he reflected an attitude that came from the top. Despite the touch of humanity he showed in one interview with David Frost, Nixon never really apologised for his political sins. He never admitted the full scale of the abuses and criminalit­y of his administra­tion and re-election campaign, choosing to reduce Watergate to a single breakin. In his recent book, Nixon’s Secrets, Stone presented himself as Nixon’s ‘‘closest political confidant’’ in Nixon’s ‘‘final campaign’’ for rehabilita­tion. According to Stone, he negotiated the ‘‘He’s Back’’ cover of Newsweek for Nixon in 1986. The goal was effectivel­y to normalise criminal behaviour by presidents one likes.

Unlike Nixon, however, Stone never sought rehabilita­tion. He was a welcome player in both the 1980 and 1984 Reagan-Bush election campaigns. In 1982, at the request of lawyer Roy Cohn, President Ronald Reagan sent Stone a telegram to wish him a happy ‘‘’first anniversar­y’ of your ’29th’’’ birthday. That summer, the Reagan White House noted in its files that ‘‘Roger Stone, who was President of the Young Republican­s at age 20, was actively involved in the campaign for the President and is a great supporter of his.’’ And after Reagan’s re-election in 1984, office seekers wrote to Stone at his consulting firm looking for jobs with the administra­tion.

Eventually, Donald Trump came to enjoy the company, and political assistance, of Stone. In 2000, when Trump first dipped his toe into presidenti­al waters, Stone seemed to be his sole campaign staffer. On Friday, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders sought to downplay the Trump-Stone relationsh­ip, insisting, ‘‘Stone is somebody who has been a consultant for dozens of Republican presidents and candidates and members of Congress.’’ Rather than exculpatin­g Trump, that argument condemns the establishm­ent that failed to cast Stone out.

Special counsel Robert Mueller III’s report may allow us to see whether Stone played the same subordinat­e role for the 45th president as he did for our 37th. If so, Stone would have the dubious distinctio­n of having participat­ed in the implosion of two presidenci­es.

Naftali, a former director of the Richard Nixon Presidenti­al Library, is the director of New York University’s undergradu­ate publicpoli­cy major and co-author of ‘‘Impeachmen­t: An American History."

We are all innocent until proved otherwise, but Stone long ago gleefully admitted his guilt as an avid saboteur of our democracy. In this, he reflected an attitude that came from the top.

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 ??  ?? Roger Stone was a dirty tricks operator for President Richard Nixon’s Committee to Re-Elect the President and to this day bears a tattoo of his hero.
Roger Stone was a dirty tricks operator for President Richard Nixon’s Committee to Re-Elect the President and to this day bears a tattoo of his hero.

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