The Post

In a few words


It beggars belief, when we have thousands of hectares of vacant land in New Zealand, that Housing Minister Phil Twyford could consider compulsori­ly acquiring land under the Public Works Act or some other statute (300 new homes, Feb 1). So why create a land agency? Moreover, shortened consultati­on periods in respect of land acquisitio­n will once again deny the public their democratic right to consultati­on. Signalling the change by public statements disabuses objectors of their right to make submission­s.

Brian Collins, Aro Valley

Re the proposed residentia­l developmen­t on Mt Crawford and talk of removing Mt Crawford Prison, a solution to the severe rental accommodat­ion in Wellington would be to reconfigur­e the prison into a university accommodat­ion campus. All those rooms with toilets and handbasins; sliders replacing bars. Commercial dining, kitchen, and laundry areas. Plenty of parking.

Brian Phillips, Greytown

I read with interest the proposal for additional housing in Miramar. It makes me wonder – why would this be proposed when the access road to Miramar will be underwater in 40 years’ time? I assume the greed of profit outweighs common sense. I sincerely hope the council planners will factor in the council’s future liability if the council approves the developmen­t.

Dave Chester, Ngaio

Ian Douglas Minnear pleaded guilty to careless driving causing the death of an innocent man and his dog after losing control of his truck, for which the maximum term is three months in jail, or a $4500 fine (Jan 31). Rouxle Le Roux proved you don’t even have to appear remorseful for taking the life of another human after her distastefu­l Instagram posts. So in the eyes of the law, I can kill somebody who irritates me – as long as I use a car. No worries, I’ll throw it on the credit card.

Jim Rustle, Te Urewera

Isn’t it about time the likes of Helen Clark, Jim Bolger and Michael Cullen quit the public limelight. We had enough of them when in power. They just can’t retire from the taxpayers’ trough and make way for younger minds.

Leonard F Rumbold, Paparangi

In the late 1800s, a prescient fellow and friend of Mark Twain, Charles Dudley Warner, stated: ‘‘Everybody complains about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.’’ How true. And here we are 150 years on complainin­g about climate change while still we do nothing but talk about it. A visionary observer of human nature, that bloke. Must be time for another meeting on this subject. In Kiribati, Tokelau, Eastbourne or Petone, methinks?

Stuart Reid, Lower Hutt

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