The Post

Gunman fired first: police

- Ruby Nyika and Matt Shand

A gang member who had been using P fired a shotgun at police before officers shot him dead.

Details of yesterday’s dramatic stand-off and fatal shooting, which came after a bank robbery and chase that left money strewn along a country road, were revealed by district commander Superinten­dent Andy McGregor.

He said police received a call at 9am with reports a man, reportedly on methamphet­amine, had discharged a firearm at a family member near Kawerau.

While police were investigat­ing the family harm incident, the same offender entered the Kawerau First Credit Union armed with a sawn-off shotgun and demanded money.

Officers found the vehle soon after and a pursuit began. ‘‘Police attempted to stop the vehicle,’’ McGregor said. ‘‘It performed a U-turn and tried to ram police vehicles.’’

During the police chase, large volumes of cash were thrown from the fleeing vehicle. Officers retrieved it after the chase. ‘‘At about 10.20am the vehicle made a stop at State Highway 30,’’ McGregor said.

‘‘Armed officers went forward. The offender presented a firearm at them and discharged a shot. ‘‘Officers returned fire.’’ McGregor offered sympathy to the deceased’s family and said support was being offered. ‘‘It’s a tragic event and one no police officer wishes to deal with. When we use firearms it is not taken lightly.’’ An Independen­t Police Complaints Authority investigat­ion is being launched and police are conducting their own investigat­ion into the incident.

The deceased was a 29-year-old man and was known to police as a patched Mongrel Mob Member. Kawerau’s mayor said the day’s events stunned residents. ‘‘There’s a lot of shocked people,’’ said mayor Malcolm Campbell. ‘‘It’s not a nice thing what has happened and somebody has paid with their life and that’s an absolute tragedy for a small community like Kawerau.’’ Police cars remained parked on the road, along with a ute which had blue tarpaulin covering the driver’s side of the cab. Campbell said he once lived only 200m from the scene of the shooting and didn’t consider crime to be high in the district. Three workers and a customer were in the bank when a man entered demanding cash, First Credit Union general manager Simon Scott said.

He was understood to be armed with a gun. The robber then fled with the cash without injuring anyone, Scott said.

‘‘We’ve arranged for counsellin­g for the staff because it’s quite traumatic, obviously . . . It’s pretty shocking.’’

The customer will be offered counsellin­g, too. ‘‘Obviously, the staff are shocked and upset. We’ve since heard that the chap has died.

‘‘No matter what happened, noone wants that sort of outcome. We feel for his family.’’

The First Credit Union in Kawerau will remain closed until Monday.

 ?? DOMINICO ZAPATA/STUFF ?? The scene of a fatal shooting near Te Teko, Eastern Bay of Plenty.
DOMINICO ZAPATA/STUFF The scene of a fatal shooting near Te Teko, Eastern Bay of Plenty.

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