The Post

Honking drivers join tunnel chorus

- Amber-Leigh Woolf

Wellington’s ‘‘world record’’ tunnel-tooting attempt may have been postponed but motorists are honking more than ever anyway.

On Saturday, an event was due to be held where people would aim to set a world record. It has been delayed until July.

Despite the event being off, motorists could still be heard taking to their horns with a chorus of tooting from the Mt Victoria tunnel over the weekend.

The tooting spree was in response to Wellington City councillor Chris CalviFreem­an, who had called for a ban to tooting in a bid to spare the ears of pedestrian­s walking through the tunnel.

On Saturday, Calvi-Freeman said some people would want to do something even more when told not to.

‘‘I think eventually, habits will change. Just like smoking and violence towards women, it will change like many things in society.’’

He had recently walked and driven through the tunnel, and said there was hardly anyone tooting at all.

‘‘I don’t think it will change overnight but I really hope there is less of this what I would call anti-social behaviour.’’

The event was set-up when enraged drivers took to Facebook to encourage as many people as possible to toot in protest at Calvi-Freeman’s suggested ban.

About 3000 people had committed to the cause but organisers postponed it until July 31. ‘‘Due to last-minute issues around legalities/safety, we have decided to postpone this event, stay tuned,’’ a post on their Facebook page read.

‘‘People are no longer encouraged to show up on Saturday and toot. However, if you decide to, that’s entirely up to you.’’

Facebook followers said they intended to participat­e anyway. Some commented that they had been practising tooting their horns for the event.

 ?? KEVIN STENT/STUFF ?? It irks Mt Victoria neighbours and scares pedestrian­s but the capital’s drivers are not giving in to calls to silence their horns.
KEVIN STENT/STUFF It irks Mt Victoria neighbours and scares pedestrian­s but the capital’s drivers are not giving in to calls to silence their horns.
 ??  ??

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