The Post

Capital chatter



I mean im not ‘‘against’’ Capital Gains Tax but I feel like we should be taxing gym-goers around the whole country not just Wellington.


So much better to focus on the enjoyment of 10 minutes in the sun than the sadness of ONLY having 10 minutes in the sun. #whywelling­ton


OK #Wellington, who’s up for tonight’s round of ‘Earthquake or Windquake’?


Classic Wellington: Lady walks past my desk – ‘‘Oh you catch my bus, you’re in Brooklyn.’’ #whywelling­ton #government working life


Rainbow runway in Wellington. I really like it. #wellington­nz #rainbow


Please do not brew your delicious coffee over a stainless steel milk pitcher. #wellington #coffee #manualbrew #pourandtwi­st


There’s a busker on Lambton with a sign that says ‘‘flowers blossom for their own joy – so should you’’. Except they don’t. They bloom so bees can help them have sex.


Is red-light running becoming more normalised? I seem to see it every day now. This morning I witnessed a work van run a red light by about 5 seconds, travelling 50-60kph at the intersecti­on of Lambton and Bowen. Car narrowly avoided being T-boned by jumping on his brakes.

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