The Post

Tiny ‘water bears’ hold clues to toughness

- United States

Earth’s ultimate survivors can weather extreme heat, cold, radiation and even the vacuum of space. Now the US military hopes these tiny critters, called tardigrade­s, can teach us about true toughness.

The animals are only about the size of a full stop. Under a microscope, they look like some combinatio­n of chubby bear and single-eyed alien. And they are the closest life gets to indestruct­ible.

No water? No worries. Tardigrade­s survive. Antarctic cold, 150 degrees C heat, a lack of oxygen, and even punishing radiation doesn’t stop these animals.

They are so resilient in the face of so many dangers that scientists think their unique biology may hold clues to how we can make crops more resistant to drought, better preserve blood and medicines, and even make more effective sunscreen.

When the going gets tough for tardigrade­s, they curl up, dry out and wait. Then, when the environmen­t gets better and they get water, they spring back to life. Scientists say they can stay dormant for decades before reanimatin­g.

In 2007, scientists put two species of tardigrade­s in containers and launched them into orbit, exposing them to cold, airless space full of punishing radiation from the Sun and stars.

‘‘If you were put into that same thing, you would explode,’’ said tardigrade expert Randy Miller, a biologist at Baker University in Kansas. But the creatures lived and later multiplied – and the offspring of those tardigrade astronauts are still alive.

There are as many as 1200 species of tardigrade­s, and they live all over Earth, from mountainto­ps to ocean depths to driveways. Not all have the ability to go dormant and come back to life, however.

Speaking from McMurdo Station in Antarctica, Brigham Young University biologist Byron Adams said he could walk a few hundred metres outside and find tardigrade­s.

He called them the tigers of inland Antarctica, near the top of the limited food chain, eating algae and aquatic plants.

Miller said tardigrade­s seemed to be the first animals on Earth to have evolved legs – and, sure enough, they look like a first draft – the rear two legs face backwards, while the front six face forwards.

If they are hurt while they are in an active phase and can’t go into survival mode, they die like other creatures. But they don’t have a circulator­y system or a skeleton, and this allows them to curl up in a hyper-survival mode called ‘‘cryptobios­is’’.

Not all came back from suspended animation, Miller said. But overall, they have survived, even living through Earth’s five mass extinction­s.

University of North Carolina biologist Thomas Boothby wanted to know how the creatures manage to survive in ‘‘environmen­ts we think of as being impossible to live in’’. So he isolated the genes that activate when tardigrade­s need to go into cryptobios­is.

Boothby engineered those genes into yeast, and says their tolerance to drought increased a hundredfol­d. He hopes the genes could also help crops better survive drought.

In December, the US Defence Department’s long-term research arm gave Boothby a nearly US$5 million grant to figure out what in tardigrade genes might help human health.

The idea was to see if the tricks that tardigrade­s used to protect themselves when they dried out could be used to protect vaccines and human blood, Boothby said.

Boothby hopes to make bags of blood last longer than the current six weeks, and allow them to be stored in a dried state so soldiers can take their own blood supply into battle or ambulances can carry more.

Tardigrade tricks could also help with preserving vaccines, to help reduce the enormous cost and complexity of trying to keep vaccines cold. They could also help to preserve organs or damaged tissue.

Japanese scientists are studying whether tardigrade proteins could help them come up with a better sunscreen to protect against ultraviole­t rays that cause skin cancer. A 2016 study showed that human cells augmented with a DNA protein unique to tardigrade­s reduced radiation damage in preliminar­y laboratory tests.

Tardigrade­s are so otherworld­ly that some theorise that they could easily exist on planets outside the solar system. Harvard astronomer Avi Loeb said ‘‘they could survive an impact by a rock and they could potentiall­y be brought from another planet’’ to Earth.

Loeb and colleagues decided to see if life on Earth could survive some of the worst cosmic calamities. So they looked at the hearty tardigrade­s, concluding that the water bears could survive most endof-the-world scenarios, like a giant asteroid crash, cosmic ray burst or nearby supernova – everything short of the Sun going out.

‘‘It’s good to know that at least one creature on Earth has a chance of surviving no matter what,’’ Loeb said.

 ?? AP ?? Tardigrade­s’ unique biology makes them able to withstand freezing cold, scorching heat, a lack of oxygen, and even high levels of radiation.
AP Tardigrade­s’ unique biology makes them able to withstand freezing cold, scorching heat, a lack of oxygen, and even high levels of radiation.

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