The Post






Symbol of the US Republican party (8) 4 ___ Drive: Harry Potter’s home when we first meet him (6)

10. In Greek myth, river which had to be crossed to reach the underworld (4)

11. Common household and office item, first used in the mid-1700s but only patented in 1900 (7,3)

12. Girl from a Brothers Grimm story (6)

14. Names which come before the boxers Leonard and Robinson (5,3)

15. British crime drama set in Birmingham after World War I, starring Cillian Murphy (5,8)

17. Alcoholic drink served after a meal (8)

19. Largest city in Switzerlan­d (6)

21. Item worn by cats and dogs to repel parasites (4,6)

22. Music genre which originated during the 1950s/60s in the African American community (4)

23. Type of girl featured in a 1983 Billy Joel song (6)

24. 1996 film where Steve Martin plays a character made famous by Phil Silvers in the 1950s (3,5)

Down 1.

English surname which is derived from a trade in the building industry (6)

2. The highest point of something (4)

3. Second largest city in Myanmar, mentioned in a famous Rudyard Kipling poem (8)

4. The source of a stream or river (6)

5. Favourite fizzy drink of the Famous Five in multiple novels (6,4)

6. Birds associated with death and the afterlife in ancient Egypt (8)

8. Catchphras­e at the end of Looney Tunes cartoons (5,3,5)

13. Moving walkway which goes horizontal­ly instead of upwards (10)

15. Peter __, eldest grandchild of Queen Elizabeth II (8)

16. City in northern Israel where Jesus spent his childhood (8)

18. Queen of ___: nickname of the sharptongu­ed Olenna Tyrell, played by Diana Rigg, in A Game of Thrones (6)

20. A game of polo consists of six of these (6)

22. “If your ship doesn’t come in, __ out to it”: Johnathan Winters (4)

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