The Post

Global interest in coming to NZ surges

- Martin van Beynen

Worldwide interest in moving to New Zealand has spiked in the aftermath of Christchur­ch’s deadly terror attacks.

Immigratio­n New Zealand (INZ) figures show a significan­t lift in the volume of registrati­ons from people interested in living and working in New Zealand since the March 15 shootings.

INZ assistant general manager Peter Elms said his agency had received 6457 registrati­ons of interest from March 15 to 24, compared to 4844 for the preceding 10 days – a 133 per cent increase.

The largest numerical rise had come from the United States – 1165 compared to 674, a 173 per cent increase. Britain and South Africa had the second and third highest number of registrati­ons, compared to the 10 days before the attacks.

Predominan­tly Muslim countries, notably Pakistan (333 registrati­ons since the attacks, an increase of 512 per cent), had shown a surge in interest despite their faith being the terror target. New Zealand Muslims have received an outpouring of goodwill in the form of vigils, flowers, messages and donations.

Other Muslim majority countries showing increased interest include Malaysia (165 registrati­ons, 246 per cent increase), Bangladesh (82, 342 per cent), Morocco (66, 127 per cent), Indonesia (63, 150 per cent), Egypt (59, 393 per cent) and Turkey (59, 393 per cent).

These were registrati­ons of interest in coming here, and not visa applicatio­ns, Elms said.

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