The Post

Cheeseburg­er with a side of venison, please


Wearing gumboots, stubbies and with a dead deer slung over his back, a hunter ordering McDonald’s couldn’t have looked more Kiwi.

After a successful Saturday of hunting, Tehanairo Tetawhero and three friends decided to stop off at the Taumarunui fast food joint for a late-night snack before going home.

‘‘And I was like we might as well finish the night with a bang,’’ Tetawhero, 21, said. ‘‘Pull over – I’ll chuck the deer on my back and I’ll walk through.’’

A straight-faced Tetawhero lugged the slaughtere­d stag up to the drive-through box, trying to ignore his guffawing friends, who filmed him as he ordered a cheeseburg­er and McChicken.

The keen hunter appeared at ease beside the intercom despite the hefty-looking carcass sprawled across his shoulders – antlers and all.

‘‘And a Kiwiburger,’’ a friend yelled from the truck.

While it might have caught McDonald’s staff off guard, they took it well, Tetawhero said.

‘‘The lady at the counter, when she saw the deer on my back she got a bit of a surprise.

‘‘But we paid for one burger and we got three out of it.’’

‘‘It was [a] heavy, big deer. I was trying not to look back at the truck or I would have just lost it laughing.’’

After politely rattling off his order, Tetawhero lumbered on towards the pay window, the dead deer in tow.

The video of Tetawhero at McDonald’s with the dead stag had racked up 80,000 views by yesterday afternoon after his friend Blake Horton posted it to Facebook.

Tetawhero reckons it’s simply something Kiwis haven’t seen before.

‘‘I didn’t think it would get that big,’’ Tetawhero said, laughing.

He and a mate had just suggested it as a joke.

‘‘I thought it was just going to be a laugh then I looked at [the video] yesterday and hello, there’s 20,000 views. I was like, eh?’’

He’s received a fair few Facebook friend requests and messages from strangers on Facebook, Tetawhero said.

McDonald’s declined to comment on the video.

 ??  ?? Tehanairo Tetawhero at the drive-through.
Tehanairo Tetawhero at the drive-through.

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