The Post

Today in History


1566 – Nostradamu­s, French physician and reputed seer, dies. 1776 – The Continenta­l Congress declares American independen­ce. 1823 – Portuguese rule in Brazil ends, with the final defeat of crown loyalists in Bahia province.

1865 – William Booth and his wife Catherine found the Salvation Army as the East London Christian Mission.

1881 – US President James

Garfield, left, is shot in Washington DC. He dies 80 days later, of blood poisoning.

1937 – US aviator Amelia Earhart and navigator Fred Noonan vanish while trying to cross the Pacific.

1938 – Electric trains come to Wellington as electrifie­d line between the central city and northern suburb of Johnsonvil­le opens. US tennis player Helen Wills Moody wins her eighth Wimbledon singles title.

1961 – Death of author Ernest Hemingway.

1964 – US President Lyndon B Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act against racial discrimina­tion.

1976 – North and South Vietnam are reunited officially after more than 20 years of war.

1990 – A stampede in a pedestrian tunnel linking Mecca and a tent city leaves 1400 pilgrims dead.

1993 – A floating shrine sinks in Bocaue, Philippine­s, killing 315 worshipper­s.

1994 – Colombian footballer Andres Escobar is killed in Medellin for accidental­ly scoring an own goal during a game against the US.

2002 – Steve Fossett becomes the first person to fly solo around the world nonstop in a balloon.


Herman Hesse, German writer (1877-1962); Alec Douglas-Home, UK politician (1903-95); Wislawa Szymborska, Polish poet (1923-2012); Larry David, US actor (1947-); Jerry Hall, US model/actress (1956-); Lindsay Lohan, US actress (1986-); Margot Robbie, Australian actress (1990-).

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