The Post

Jones advocates for population policy

- Collette Devlin

NZ First MP Shane Jones is making no apology for his ‘‘racist’’ comments aimed at the Indian community and wants to see a tougher crackdown on immigratio­n with a national population policy.

He told Stuff yesterday that he was speaking on behalf of ‘‘battalions’’ of ‘‘ordinary Kiwis who were highly anxious’’ about population growth putting stress on state services and infrastruc- ture.

Meanwhile, Immigratio­n Minister Iain Lees-Galloway is refusing to let the Government take responsibi­lity for the remarks and says the visa decision that ignited the controvers­y would be ‘‘sorted out’’ this week.

It follows Jones’ comments on changes to immigratio­n policy that could impact Indians who have arranged marriages.

‘‘I would just say to the activists from the Indian community, tame down your rhetoric, you have no legitimate expectatio­ns in my view to bring your whole village to New Zealand and if you don’t like it and you’re threatenin­g to go home – catch the next flight home,’’ Jones told RNZ.

He later told Newshub the backlash was a ‘‘Bollywood overreacti­on’’.

The Migrant Workers Associatio­n and Love Aotearoa Hate Racism held a rally calling for Jones to make a public apology and to resign.

Yesterday, Jones told Stuff that he had been surprised by the aggression of the activists.

When asked if he would apologise, he said he had moved on.

The people who ‘‘attacked’’ him for being a bigot or a racist failed to understand his lineage and that he was a son of the Treaty of Waitangi, Jones said.

‘‘I have the blood that formed this nation running through my veins, so any suggestion that my voice should be stifled because of the Indian migrant activists taking offence . . .

‘‘They fail to understand that I’m giving voice to the hundreds of thousands of Kiwis who are deeply anxious about whether we are doing the right thing with the mix of immigratio­n policy we have at the moment.’’

National Party leader Simon Bridges has called on Jones to reflect on his comments.

‘‘What he said is entirely unacceptab­le, is distastefu­l and wrong.’’

 ??  ?? Shane Jones
Shane Jones

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