The Post

Ukraine meddling a fiction, inquiry told

- United States

Donald Trump’s former top Russia adviser has accused his Republican allies of pushing a ‘‘fictional narrative’’ that Ukraine meddled in the 2016 election during her testimony on the final day of public impeachmen­t hearings.

Fiona Hill said the ‘‘false’’ allegation, one of the two issues Trump wanted the recently installed Ukrainian president to investigat­e, was being spread by Russia and should not be repeated for ‘‘domestic political’’ reasons in America.

Her testimony struck a blow to one of the Republican­s’ core defence lines to the impeachmen­t push – that the president had genuine concerns about how Ukraine had acted during the 2016 campaign and it was legitimate to ask for it to be probed. Hill who was raised in County Durham, northern England, before becoming a US citizen and joining the national security committee, was speaking before the House intelligen­ce committee, which is leading the impeachmen­t bid.

‘‘Based on questions and statements I have heard, some of you on this committee appear to believe that Russia and its security services did not conduct a campaign against our country – and that perhaps, somehow, for some reason, Ukraine did,’’ Hill said in her opening statement.

‘‘This is a fictional narrative that has been perpetrate­d and propagated by the Russian security services themselves.’’

Hill said she would refuse to ‘‘legitimise’’ the ‘‘alternate narrative’’ and stressed that America’s own top intelligen­ce officials had unanimousl­y concluded that Russia was to blame.

‘‘We must not let domestic politics stop us from defending ourselves against the foreign powers who truly wish us harm,’’ Hill said in the penultimat­e line of her prepared remarks.

While Hill did not explicitly mention Trump, the rebuke appeared in part targeted at the Oval Office given it is the president that has repeatedly floated the Ukraine meddling claim.

Elsewhere in her testimony, she provided details of the alarm that spread inside the Trump administra­tion as it became apparent allies of the president were seeking investigat­ions into the Ukraine meddling claims and Joe Biden, the former US vice president now seeking the White House.

She recounted how John Bolton, the then national security adviser and her direct boss, had described Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s personal lawyer who was publicly lobbying for the probes, as a ‘‘hand grenade’’ that could explode at any point.

Asked if she understood the comment, Hill said she did. She called Giuliani’s public comments at the time, which included unfounded allegation­s about Biden, as ‘‘pretty explosive’’ and ‘‘quite incendiary’’, fearing they would ‘‘probably come back to haunt us’’.

Appearing alongside Hill was David Holmes, a diplomat stationed at the US embassy in Ukraine.

Holmes recounted a call he overheard where Gordon Sondland, the US ambassador to the EU, was talking to Trump on July 26. That was the day after the US president had asked Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelenskiy to announce the investigat­ions.

Holmes said that when Trump came on the call, Sondland ‘‘winced’’ and held the phone away from his ear, apparently because the US president was speaking at such a high volume.

Holmes testified that he heard Sondland tell Trump that Zelenskiy ‘‘loves your ass’’.

Trump then allegedly asked ‘‘so he’s gonna do the investigat­ion’’, to which Sondland said: ‘‘He’s gonna do it.’’

The testimony suggests that the president was taking a personal interest in whether the investigat­ions, which were politicall­y beneficial for him, were going to be announced.

Trump expressed doubt on the claim, writing on Twitter: ‘‘Never have I been watching a person making a call, which was not on speakerpho­ne, and been able to hear or understand a conversati­on. I’ve even tried, but to no avail. Try it live!’’

Elsewhere, Holmes became yet another witness to testify that he believed almost US$400 million (NZ$625m) in military aid was held back from Ukraine to secure the investigat­ions.

Holmes said by late August s ‘‘clear impression’’ was the hold on the money showed either Trump’s ‘‘dissatisfa­ction’’ that the investigat­ions had not been launched or was an attempt to ‘‘pressure’’ them to do so.

 ?? AP ?? Former White House national security aide Fiona Hill and David Holmes, right, a US diplomat in Ukraine, testify before the House Intelligen­ce Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington.
AP Former White House national security aide Fiona Hill and David Holmes, right, a US diplomat in Ukraine, testify before the House Intelligen­ce Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington.

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