The Post

How to hobble NZ First


The scandal around the NZ First Foundation may finally bring about the result many of us have been waiting for – the demise of NZ First as a political force in Parliament. I’m not holding my breath, however.

It is time for bold action and political courage, although neither is in huge supply at the moment. It is time the 7 per cent tail ceased wagging this dog we call government. We blame the Ardern Government for achieving little over the past two years. How much is this due to being hamstrung by a populist coalition partner?

My solution is simple, but outrageous. It will require Simon Bridges to step up and show the statesman-like qualities he has not yet revealed to us.

He needs to do two things: state that National will never enter into a coalition with NZ First; and then state – and here is where political courage is really required – that he will not bring down the current government before the next election (terms and conditions apply).

The first action will tell potential NZ First voters that a vote for NZ First can only mean a vote for another Labour/ Green government. This is not where the average NZ First voter sits on the political spectrum. Many will return to National, their natural home.

The second action will allow our PM to discard NZ First and get on and govern the country, and maybe move us forward from the quagmire in which we are stuck.

Naive? Maybe. Courageous? Definitely.

Alan Peck, Lower Hutt [abridged]

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