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Scottish leader launches ‘neverendum’ campaign

- Britain

Nicola Sturgeon set in motion yesterday a ‘‘neverendum’’ campaign for independen­ce as her official request to Boris Johnson for the powers to hold another separation vote next year was rejected.

Scotland’s First Minister said the UK Government has a ‘‘democratic duty’’ to hand her the powers for another vote on breaking up Britain after the SNP won 48 out of 59 Scottish seats in last week’s general election.

Although Johnson and Michael Gove later rejected her demand, she argued this was not the end of the matter and challenged the Prime Minister to explain how this would tally with Scotland being in a voluntary union.

Sturgeon now intends to use her office to pursue a major campaign to win over civic Scotland and the other political parties ahead of the May 2021 Holyrood election.

But she repeatedly refused to rule out a third vote if she lost again, or to repeat the promise she made before the 2014 referendum that it would settle the matter for a generation.

Instead she published a document arguing the Scottish Parliament should be handed the power to stage separation votes whenever it wants, with no minimum period between ballots.

The Scottish Tories warned that her demands marked the launch of a ‘‘neverendum’’ campaign, with Sturgeon planning to keep holding separation votes until she wins. They also pointed out that the SNP won only 45 per cent of the vote last week compared with the three Unionist parties’ 55 per cent – similar to the 2014 referendum result.

Rejecting her demand, Johnson told the Commons: ‘‘I think it was Nicola Sturgeon herself who said the referendum in 2014 was a oncein-a-generation event. I feel that the Scottish Nationalis­t party should concentrat­e more on delivering on the domestic priorities of the people of Scotland, and rather less on breaking up our United Kingdom.’’

Although Scottish independen­ce was not explicitly mentioned in the Queen’s Speech, the monarch said: ‘‘The integrity and prosperity of the United Kingdom is of the utmost importance to my Government.’’

Jackson Carlaw, the Scottish Tories’ interim leader, said: ‘‘Nicola Sturgeon has made it clear again if she doesn’t win indyref2, it’ll be straight onto indyref3 and indyref4. She wants to trap Scotland in a neverendum when most people simply want to move on.’’

The first minister dispatched her document – titled Scotland’s Right to Choose – and draft referendum legislatio­n to the UK Government yesterday.

They were accompanie­d by a letter to the prime minister making an official request for a Section 30 Order, the legislativ­e device that would be used to transfer the necessary powers.

Sturgeon insisted that she was ‘‘not advocating’’ a third referendum if she lost a second vote, but refused to rule it out.

She said: ‘‘No prime minister and no first minister can permanentl­y end the right to self-determinat­ion. It’s no different to asking somebody who wins an election, well do you think there shouldn’t be any more elections?’’

 ??  ?? Nicola Sturgeon
Nicola Sturgeon

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