The Post



I hope the Government has no intentions of calling off the search and recovery initiative for the two remaining victims of the Whakaari eruption. Consistenc­y with the Pike River disaster demands that the bodies must be found and recovered no matter what the cost to our nation.

Paul Young, Lower Hutt

So Pope Francis has abolished ‘‘pontifical secrecy’’ for sex abuse investigat­ions. A giant leap for Catholic children delivered up to schools and churches for priestly abuse, or another small stumble by a leader whose employees worldwide treat his pronouncem­ents on child abuse as mere sound and fury, signifying nothing? Only time will tell. Carol Webb, Whanganui

After reading Time to make significan­t inroads into child

poverty (Dec 16), my comment is that if we measure child poverty by children not having music lessons, sports teams, presents for birthday parties or new books, our definition needs a serious overhaul. Food, shelter, education and healthcare definitely but music lessons? For real? Stop getting wants and nice-haves confused with needs and this will have a twofold effect. The ‘‘poverty’’ numbers would reduce and the important things in life can be addressed.

Maureen Wempe, Carterton

Where to go for Christmas presents? Noel Leeming, Harvey Norman or The Warehouse? Yes these are all excellent stores for Christmas shopping but all I want to give my commuting and jet-set friends are carbon credits. So why is such an excellent Christmas present so difficult to get – even from major stores? Surely it should be as simple as a gift card? Tom Reid, Camborne

Christophe­r Luxon says John Key is the best prime minister New Zealand has ever had. Key was a rich man who took to politics because he enjoyed the pomp and the power that went with the position. To elevate him above such excellent prime ministers as Norman Kirk, John Marshall and Keith Holyoake demeans these men, and also gives an insight into the values Luxon esteems. Paul Canham, Napier

I was amused to read that someone had complained about the use of the term ‘‘paddy wagon’’, presumably on grounds that it was demeaning to the Irish. I was recently in Ireland and probably the largest tour bus operator has ‘‘paddywagon’’ emblazoned in large letters on the side of its buses. They seem to have embraced the term over there. If the Irish can use ‘‘paddywagon’’ to enhance the notion of a fun time we do not need to get too precious about the term over here.

John D Whitty, Aro Valley

There is only one way to sum up Maria Folau – she’s a goddess! Good luck to both her husband, as fine a person who ever played rugby, and herself.

John Rush, Mamaku

Jacinda Ardern could never have expected the year she has just experience­d. She’s done us proud. And if she reflects back on small mercies, at least she’s had the good fortune to have Simon Bridges as leader of the Opposition.

Mike Horner, Pinehaven

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