The Post

Eruption: No official rescue plan

- Donna Lee Biddle

There were no official plans to evacuate victims on the day White Island/Whakaari erupted, council reports have revealed.

The task to evacuate victims was instead undertaken by commercial pilots and crew on a tour operator vessel, who collective­ly saved more than 30 people.

The response to the deadly volcano eruption on December 9 was initially co-ordinated by the council-supported Whakata¯ne Emergency Operations Centre.

However, the rescue response was always going to be managed by police, a Bay of Plenty Regional Council spokesman said.

The volatility of the volcano meant no rescue attempts were made – instead a body recovery mission took place four days later.

Troves of documents have been released by Bay of Plenty Regional Council, Emergency Management Bay of Plenty and Whakata¯ ne District Council, under the Official Informatio­n Act.

Over five days, 15 situation reports – which provided summaries of the incident at specific times during the day – were prepared.

The first, at 5.15pm – three hours after the eruption – noted unconfirme­d reports of fatalities, and factors likely to affect the rescue response, such as volcanic ash.

By the third report, at 4.20am on December 10, there was mention of having a communicat­ions plan prepared. ‘‘Regular communicat­ions briefings to manage public interest and Whakaari Tourism branding. Coms plan being prepared 10/12,’’ it said.

This plan became a key focus. Officials noted 29 people on two buses, who were related to the victims, were on their way to Whakata¯ ne. There was note of a body cool store being set up at the airport.

As well as situation reports, action plans were also prepared.

All six plans contained tasks to be accomplish­ed within a set time, which included providing welfare for the survivors, families of the victims, and staff involved.

Emergency Management Bay of Plenty director Clinton Naude said the action plans were there to ensure a co-ordinated effort. ‘‘Supporting police to undertake the rescue and recovery operation was the No 1 objective throughout.’’

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