The Post



Imagine what lockdown may have been had the autumnal weather not been so lovely. I may have actually had to watch stuff like

The Bacheloret­te, The Block, The Housewives of somewhere or other, The Bachelor, The Kardashian.

There’s always something good comes out of something bad.

Graeme Stevens, Paekākārik­i

I appreciate that emotions are high at the moment but the idolisatio­n of Ashley Bloomfield and the prime minister is way over the top. They are simply doing their job and celebrity status and the accompanyi­ng ‘‘fan club’’ is way over the top. Look at the rest of the world and realise that this developmen­t is embarrassi­ng. Also for our deputy PM to use the word ‘‘crap’’ is not appropriat­e at any time where a serious issue is involved.

Christine McNamara, Te Aro

I wonder how many of those Government and Opposition MPs are now starting to reconsider their decision, or their intention, to step down at the election. Would not the best of the bunch be better to stick around in their financiall­y secure positions and use their skill and knowledge to help the country move more quickly to recover from its economic woes, rather than stepping off into the financial abyss created by Covid-19?

Warren Biddington, Paraparaum­u Beach

Delighted to see an editorial (May 7) taking to task Simon Bridges and his criticism of the Government, Ashley Bloomfield and health profession­als for maintainin­g New Zealand at level 3 in the pandemic. Bridges’ attitude was confrontat­ional, and a personal attack on a standout civil servant. We welcome scrutiny but such a stance from the leader of the Opposition is not acceptable.

Rachael Davin, Thorndon

Recently, some supermarke­ts paid their workers a 10 per cent bonus for working during the level 4 lockdown. Now we are back to level 3, this extra payment has ceased. I find it quite ironical that in last year’s NBR Rich List there were supermarke­t owners, some of whom were worth between $60 million and $70m.

Wayne McMahon, Carterton

Who can blame our Cabinet ministers and MPs for not being around when they are needed to sort out issues in their portfolios, or for passing the wrong bill in the House. After all, they are probably in deep stook and disarray over their property portfolios.

Carole Naylor, Papakowhai

One of the really nice things about lockdown at Titahi Bay has been Porirua City Council’s decision to lock the access gates to keep cars off the beach. Thank you, council. That action has not limited people’s access; there is ample adjacent parking. It has given a nice freedom to walk in our bubbles with only the sound of the sea to accompany us. Pity it probably won’t last beyond lockdown. And one day we may enjoy a car-free, poo-free beach and sea!

Richard Johnson, Titahi Bay

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