The Post



What is the biggest issue facing Wellington right now? And what can be done about it?

Are humans inherently good or inherently bad?

I think souls are inherently good, but the bodies we come into can be good or bad. There needs to be a balance. I think if we look for the good, we find the good.

You just became a member of the Spice Girls – what’s your Spice name and why? Happy Spice. I tend to look on the lighter side of life. I love bright colours, and my job is helping people get to that place of happiness.

The last time I cried was when …?

It was crying with laughter actually, watching a silly clip on Facebook of a lady cutting her own hair with a knife. She goes and sees her friend or partner, and the look on her face … I watched it about six times. Tears rolled down my face.

If you could see into the future, how far would you go? email:

I find that a difficult question, because my whole life is based around intuition, and I get feelings about things that are happening around me. Like if I get an email about something, I sometimes get the feeling I shouldn’t reply, and then they email me the next day saying they solved the problem. Or I don’t want to go to the supermarke­t right now because it doesn’t feel right. I haven’t waited in any queues yet.

Weighing up the dairy industry – great for the economy or environmen­tal time bomb? My family has a lot of farmers, so I can really see the need for dairy. But there needs to be balance. With our tourism cut off, we need to think, what else do we have?

NZ food prices – fairly reflecting our small country or a rort?

Definitely a rort. I’ve lived in a few different countries and our food is hideously expensive. Here it’s about big profit, and there is a real monopoly.

You’re prime minister – what aspect of life do you make free for all Kiwis? Alternativ­e healthcare, making it mainstream. Naturopath­s, osteopaths, natural health, energy healing, that kinda thing.

Should towns/cities ban begging?

Yes. NZ has such a system where they shouldn’t need to beg. So long as there are sufficient measures in place to reach those people who fall through the cracks, they shouldn’t need to.

What is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen, and why?

I stood for ages at my kitchen window the other day, as a kingfisher was sitting on the rail outside. I’ve never seen one in real life. I have a painting of one, I love painting birds — so I was in heaven.

 ??  ?? Hayley Lowe of Tirohanga in Lower Hutt is a mum, a clairvoyan­t, and an energy and medium healer.
Hayley Lowe of Tirohanga in Lower Hutt is a mum, a clairvoyan­t, and an energy and medium healer.
 ??  ??

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