The Post

NZ’s careful China

After years of currying favour with Beijing, a subtle rebalancin­g is under way under Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, writes China-based Kiwi Anna Fifield.


When it became clear that China was pressing ahead with its encroachme­nt on Hong Kong, the ‘‘Five Eyes’’ countries discussed a joint statement condemning the rapid erosion of freedoms in a city that was supposed to have those safeguards until 2047.

But when the statement came out, only four of the countries – the United States, Britain, Canada and Australia – had signed it. New Zealand released its own, separate statement, worded almost identicall­y.

It was a sign of how, under Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand is recalibrat­ing its dealings with both Beijing and Washington – and walking a tightrope.

After almost a decade of becoming ever more economical­ly dependent on China, New Zealand is seeking an elusive middle ground where it can be critical when its values demand, but without hurting its economic interests.

This is harder still as China’s authoritar­ian leadership shows increased willingnes­s to mete out economic punishment and take political hostages, sometimes over the slightest perceived criticism.

‘‘China has changed under Xi Jinping and we need to adjust the way we respond and work with China,’’ says Rodney Jones, a New Zealand economist who worked in Beijing for years.

‘‘It’s become about common interests and trade, rather than any kind of friendship.’’

Like many Western democracie­s, New Zealand has come to the realisatio­n that China’s economic rise has not, as many hoped, led to political liberalisa­tion. Beijing’s moves on Hong Kong, and its human rights abuses in the Xinjiang region, both driven by Xi, are evidence of that.

New Zealand was the first developed country to sign a freetrade agreement with China, inking a deal in 2008 that helped it dodge the brunt of the financial crisis.

Since then, and particular­ly during the nine years led by John Key’s centre-Right National government, New Zealand enjoyed booming trade with the Asian giant.

Its goods exports to China’s market of 1.4 billion consumers quadrupled; China now buys one-third of New Zealand’s dairy and seafood exports, almost half its meat and wool, and almost 60 per cent of its logs and timber.

Migration to New Zealand surged, with students flocking to universiti­es and rich Chinese snapping up investor visas. Before coronaviru­s hit, China was forecast to overtake Australia as New Zealand’s largest source of tourists within the next three years.

This period also came with a growing sense, especially among big exporters, that New Zealand could not say anything negative about China for fear of upsetting the apple – and milk and lamb and kiwifruit – cart.

Under Key, New Zealand became the first Western nation to sign on to Beijing’s Asian Infrastruc­ture Investment Bank and the Belt and Road Initiative, two of Xi’s signature policies.

But a reappraisa­l has occurred in the past three years as Xi has led China back toward authoritar­ianism, and after New Zealanders elected Ardern’s centre-Left coalition in 2017.

‘‘I feel things are rebalancin­g a bit from the previous nine years, which were reasonably uncritical,’’ says Helen Clark, who was prime minister when New Zealand signed the trade deal with China.

In tweaking New Zealand’s position, however, Ardern is seeking to be less confrontat­ional than the Trump administra­tion and Australia’s government – which is viewed in New Zealand as ‘‘deputy sheriff’’ to the United States – even while often making the same points. Ardern’s office declined requests for an interview.

New Zealand has also felt less beholden to the United States under President Donald Trump, who on his third day in office withdrew from the Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p, the 12-nation bloc championed by New Zealand. This was not only a blow in economic terms, but also seen as a sign of Trump’s lack of interest in the region.

‘‘There’s been no attempt by the US to build a coalition of likeminded countries,’’ says economist Jones.

In private conversati­ons, US officials say they understand the China predicamen­t for a small, export-oriented country like New Zealand. But it is also true that Beijing has sought to drive wedges between traditiona­l alliances to divide and conquer.

Now Ardern’s Government is trying to walk a fine line.

Since the Key years, New Zealand has become ‘‘clear-eyed’’ about how China functions as a state, says one Government insider who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

Ardern raised the issue of human rights abuses in Xinjiang directly with Xi during her visit to Beijing last year – but behind closed doors.

There have been statements on the increasing repression in Hong Kong, and calls for Taiwan to be readmitted to the World Health Assembly, even as Ardern said New Zealand still recognised that Beijing had a ‘‘One China’’ policy.

Her Government has also framed the decision over whether to allow Huawei gear in New Zealand’s 5G network as country-agnostic and one to be made by bureaucrat­s, not politician­s.

And there has been a shift in the way the Government talks about military issues, including Beijing’s military buildup in disputed waters.

David Capie, director of the Centre for Strategic Studies at Victoria University in Wellington, refers to a 2018 white paper that used much more forthright language than previously.

‘‘The Strategic Defence Policy Statement broke new language in the way we talked about China in the South China Sea,’’ he says. ‘‘It was not hairychest­ed [Mike] Pompeo-style speech, but it’s all there.’’

While criticisin­g China in some areas, New Zealand has made sure to find areas where they can co-operate – on climate change and at the World Trade Organisati­on, for instance – to ‘‘provide some ballast in the relationsh­ip’’, the Government insider says. ‘‘We don’t want to be seen as supine because of economic dependency.’’ He characteri­ses New Zealand’s China policy as ‘‘engage but . . .’’

But Key says it was because of the strong economic relationsh­ip that the diplomatic one could evolve. ‘‘Now we are more interlinke­d by trade, so you would hope all parties can find a more mature and better way of dealing with issues.’’

In talking about how New Zealand can make difficult but necessary decisions, analysts and officials hark back to New Zealand’s 1984 decision to ban nuclear-powered ships.

This effectivel­y barred US Navy vessels and led New Zealand to be frozen out of the Anzuz alliance. But to this day, the nuclear-free policy has overwhelmi­ng domestic support, despite the costs.

‘‘We’ve been known as a country that speaks its own mind,’’ Clark says. ‘‘New Zealand foreign policy is at its best when people think, ‘The Kiwis are saying that they’ve figured that out themselves, they’re not acting on behalf of anyone else.’ ’’

Tony Browne, New Zealand’s ambassador to Beijing until 2009, says the nuclear-free decision gave the country ‘‘a lot of latitude to take positions without the constraint­s of an alliance relationsh­ip’’ – and could be applied to China today.

But the challenge now is to chart a path without suffering the same blowback as countries such as Australia and Canada.

After Australia called for an inquiry into the origins of coronaviru­s, China blocked its barley and beef exports.

Ardern waited until a coalition of dozens of countries was ready to seek an inquiry before backing one, and said New Zealand was not interested in a ‘‘witch hunt’’.

After Canada arrested Huawei chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou at the request of the US Justice Department, China curbed imports of Canadian canola and pork, and detained two Canadian citizens.

‘‘New Zealand has a lot at stake in this relationsh­ip. We cannot replace Chinese consumptio­n anywhere else in the world.’’

 ?? ROSS GIBLIN/STUFF ?? New Zealand’s trade with China boomed under John Key’s government. He says the strength of the trade relationsh­ip has allowed diplomacy between the countries to evolve.
ROSS GIBLIN/STUFF New Zealand’s trade with China boomed under John Key’s government. He says the strength of the trade relationsh­ip has allowed diplomacy between the countries to evolve.
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