The Post




1. Currency of the Czech Republic (6)

4. Reg __, birth name of EltonJohn (6)

9. Title caveman character in a children’s novel by English author Clive King (4)

10. Placement of the organ of a donor into the body of a recipient (10)

11. Historical­ly, the area of a city (mainly in Italy) towhich Jewswere restricted (6)

12. Richly hued timber with a strong, sweet smell, used in cabinetwor­k (8)

13. Dancemove which sees the dancer imitate the motion of an irrigation tool (9)

15. Submachine gun used by British forces duringWorl­dWar II (4)

16. Muscles on both sides of the chest (abbr) (4)

17. Sturdy vertical post used as a support for another object (9)

21. Pointedwei­ght attached to the end of a string (5-3)

22. LargeNorth American deer introduced to NewZealand in 1905 (6)

24. Having reached advanced years, often in good health (4,3,3)

25. Mushroom-like character in the Mario franchise (4)

26. Pertaining to or resembling amitre (6)

27. Fantastic ___ andWhere to FindThem, 2001 book by J.K. Rowling (6)


1. Heinz is the best-selling brand of this foodstuff (7)

2. British physician and lexicograp­her who published a thesaurus in 1852 (5)

3. Asystemof interconne­cted electronic components or circuits (7)

5. “The ___ mind has something yet to learn”: George Santayana (6)

6. Timepiece once popular as a retirement gift (4,5)

7. Informal US term for a person who pretends to have money (usually a gambler) (7)

8. American abolitioni­st and political activist, 1822-1913 (7,6)

14. Person currently holding an office or post (9)

16. Ecclesiast­ical vestment in the Roman Catholic church, decorated with 6 crosses; originally­worn by the Pope (7)

18. Road to ___: 1985 song byTalking Heads (7)

19. Motorcycle gang establishe­d in 1935 (7)

20. Cloak-like garmentwor­n by ancient Greeks and Romans (6)

23. Yeast-leavened round flatbreads, commonarou­nd the Mediterran­ean and Middle East (5)

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