The Post

Bubble will not lift labour levels – minister

- Marty Sharpe

The Government is considerin­g a possible Pacific Bubble, but it’s unlikely to result in the numbers of fruitpicke­rs and horticultu­ral workers coming into the country that we once had, says Immigratio­n Minister Kris Faafoi.

Faafoi was responding to a ‘‘desperate plea’’ from exporters, growers, and industry leaders made at a media event in Hawke’s Bay on Wednesday.

The group pleaded to Government and Faafoi for a plan that would allow more Pacific Island workers into the country ‘‘to avoid the devastatin­g impact which is happening now’’.

They said a shortage of labour had led to thousands of tonnes of fruit being left on trees.

The apple industry alone is already predicting losses upwards of $600 million to provincial New Zealand economies as the national crop forecasts are 14 per cent down on 2020.

In November, the heads of several industry groups made a submission to the Government for the return of Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) workers to New Zealand. The scheme usually allows 12,000 RSE workers into the country each year but that number had fallen to 7000 this year due to border closures.

The industry submission indicated potential direct losses of up to $1.1 billion and a labour deficit of 11,000 workers across horticultu­re and wine in March.

Organic apple grower and exporter John Bostock said Bostock New Zealand had ‘‘gone all out’’ and ran massive recruitmen­t campaigns to try to recruit New Zealanders but the people just were not there. He said the impact this season had been foreseeabl­e and avoidable, and the industry needed the Government to announce a plan for the return of RSE workers.

‘‘With such low unemployme­nt rates, there are not enough New

Zealanders available for work.’’

Faafoi said the Government was ‘‘looking at what further options might be available to bring in additional limited numbers of RSE workers for the 2021/22 season, including a possible Pacific bubble’’.

He said the Government had not set possible RSE numbers for next season, ‘‘but we have made clear to sector representa­tives that, under current Covid constraint­s, and even with quarantine-free travel with Australia, it is still unlikely that we will be able to bring in the sort of RSE worker numbers next season (2021/22) that were able to come here pre-Covid’’.

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